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Everything posted by Tonesky

  1. He had definitely begun to slide. I had the same thought. It was not mentioned/discussed at all by the commentators.
  2. And, OU still sucks!
  3. It’s very strange to be watching the game unplugged from Surly! So far, it’s been delicious. The food is not bad either. All gas; no brakes, Sark. Show us it’s not just a slogan! Hook ‘em, you Surly batards! 🤘
  4. About to get head out to Friendsgiving to watch the Horns kick some aggy ass, while eating and drinking well with a bunch of UT buddies (late 70s/early 80s). Let's fucking go! 🤘
  5. 1, 1. Don't make me choose! (no aggy)
  6. Tonesky


    Headed to a Friendsgiving, where they’re serving turkey pot pie.
  7. So, the white guys are safe?
  8. I’ll add it to the growing list.
  9. Because I live in Houston and aggy is everywhere.
  10. Hahahahahahaha
  11. I'll skip the cumin the first time I make it, then take it from there.
  12. I’ve got a boneless skinless coming off soon. Wet brined overnight and then gave it a light rub. Smoking with an apple/pecan mix.
  13. That is a treasure and an awesome find! I’ll definitely be giving this a try, but not sure the cumin is optional. Any idea how much she used?
  14. Headed to in-laws for dinner (with stuffing and a pecan pie), but smoking a boneless breast for the house at wife’s request. It’s getting close.
  15. Got it.
  16. I am sure it will be terrific. Nonetheless, looking forward to hearing back from you.
  17. 27-25 would be fitting, but Justin Tucker isn't walking through that door.... Texas 27 aggy 13 QE passing yards 225
  18. I was never much of a player either, but I can coach, and you’re killing me. A nurse? God damn son, get in the game! And, we are generally an assholes or not. If not, consensual honest action does not make you one.
  19. I’m a bit disappointed in you, Z. The appropriate question is: Was it Kosher to fuck my step-cousin's cousin?
  20. Get well ROLF BOX!
  21. Yesterday, I attended a Celebration of Life and never thought to duck out for tamales. Now I feel like a total failure. Thank goodness more people I know will die and I’ll have the chance for a do-over.
  22. Sorry, but if you are attending for the deceased, you’re doing it wrong.
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