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Everything posted by Tonesky

  1. The flip answer is it will look like 2024. There will be no ceasefire anytime soon. Ultimately, it will look like Israel standing down because it has either achieved its goal or has lost more lives than it can stomach.
  2. Can we please get Arch some snaps now?
  3. Why stop there? Absolute right to bear arms includes stinger missiles, artillery, fighter jets, etc. Conversely, if that is not the case - if there is a line to be drawn somewhere short of anything goes - why the fuck can't it be on the other side of ARs?
  4. I am not a fan of Whitmire, but I cannot vote for SJL. Whitmire it is.
  5. I’m ready for MM to get a full week of practice with the 1s and to see what he can do as starter.
  6. He did. Shitty spot. That said, fuck UH
  7. You think Sark will actually use the playbook?
  8. Just because PK can’t stop him doesn’t me Sark can’t.
  9. This is embarrassing! Neither Sark nor Ewers seem to be the answer.
  10. Both the audio and crater analysis concern the direction of the missile immediately before impact, all of which is actually consistent with the US, Israeli, and other analysis (including Palestinian video of the missile changing direction mid-flight prior to impact).
  11. Well, let's see, the Serbs and Croats have been at it for quite awhile, but only on the dirt that both claim as theirs. There are no Serbian and Croat gangs warring in Chicago. Same for Indian and Pakistani immigrants in Jersey. How about Hutu and Tutsi refugees in the diaspora? The argument that, because Palestinians are not attacking Jews in Dallas, or Paris (oops, bad example), or wherever the fuck they are making a life instead of pining for 1948, is evidence that they want to kumbaya with the Jews in Jerusalem, is fucking absurd.
  12. Just admit it, one state solution, in which Jews get to live there in peace (or at all) only if the Palestinians allow them to do so.
  13. Evasive non-sequitur. But, since you chimed in, want to confirm whether you also believe Jews have no historical presence in the West Bank and Gaza? Or that "Palestine" refers to everything from the river to the sea?
  14. Right. All this really amounts to is spineless hypocritical economics. Pride night in 2023 means angry cultists and lost revenue. Supporting Israel; not so much.
  15. There is a reason that you have never seen a single Palestinian representative/negotiator ever present such a map. Bingo! [Except, for the fantasy of Jews living under Palestinian rule.]
  16. This is beyond fiction. Jews have never historically lived in the West Bank or Gaza? And, it confirms alignment with Palestinians that "Palestine" really means everything from the river to the sea.
  17. If being a spineless pussy is good enough for Ted Cruz….
  18. Gov. Hotwheels seems to think they can.
  19. But, the Trail of Tears ended about 175 years ago. Don't you know that there is a daily rolling statute of limitations, that is always just long enough to include Israel?
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