Interesting. I took this drug (Brentuximab Vedotin) for my cHL (classic Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) as a first-line treatment along with Vinblastine, Dacarbazine, and Adriamycin (the “Red Devil”). It is slowly replacing the decades old version that uses bleomycin (which can fuck up your lungs). There is even already a better cocktail for cHL patients too with even fewer side effects that uses the same 3 drugs plus Nivolumab instead of the BV. Unfortunately for me, BV really fucked my nerves up in my hands and legs/feet. Most people experience peripheral neuropathy of their sensory nerves, but I suffered a lot of motor nerve damage and muscle wasting. I am about 17 months out of treatment now and still not close to normal, but I have made pretty good strides. At my worst, I lost all of my lower leg/calf muscle control and strength and could not even lift my heels up off of the ground at all. I had to use a cane and looked like an 80 year old (I am 36). I can now walk at 3+mph and I’m still improving from there. My hands had the median nerve functions affected quite a bit (which seems odd; the ulnar side was pretty much unaffected). I essentially lost the ability to oppose my thumbs. Luckily, I’m doing pretty good there now. Not perfect by any means, but I can use my hands much better now and write with a pen pretty much normally again. I’m still glad that more people can get help, but it’s just definitely something to watch out for because the neuropathy can ramp up VERY quickly (although my case is pretty rare).