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Paul Wesley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. points take them
  2. Hahahaha just crazy Gundy is going to stumble and bumble into the championship (maybe)
  3. Crazy how at one point in the season Oklahoma State had a hammerlock on a conference championship bid, with a conference schedule that looked softer than rotted fruit.
  4. It's pretty great that the Iowa-Nebraska game was the lowest over/under ever set (and the score went under).
  5. Damn, we should have scheduled the Bama game to be right after Thanksgiving. You know… so it would have counted.
  6. The late 90’s RC Slocum Aggies had exactly the same strategy. Really salty defense and punt punt punt and at some point the other team muffs a punt or fumbles a snap or does something to just give it away.
  7. It's a lot like selling cigarettes, right? When your product (in this case: propaganda) generates a billion dollars a year, you write a check and you keep doing business.
  8. Impossible to watch that last one and not think, "Wow. Worthy and Mitchell haven't gotten that call once this year."
  9. OU has been crazy successful by any historic metric. They have bounced back from their down years (Schnellenberger, Blake) with 25 years of excellence.
  10. No doubt. They have maximized their potential, and I rooted for them when they did. I also rooted pretty hard for Okie State in 2011 (and since), and I have rooted for Iowa State any time they're out of conference. That, in spite of Patterson being a chode, Campbell being an uber-douche, and OSU having two wins vs Texas absolutely handed to them via comically one-sided officiating. Meanwhile, my friends from all three of those fanbases (okay, I don't actually know anyone from Iowa State) tell me at all opportunities how arrogant Texas is, how we hold way too much power in the league, etc... yet, when I ask them to tell me EXACTLY how that's true outside of refusing to play against a Nebraska team full of partial qualifiers who would have been academically ineligible in Austin, they can't name a single grievance. (side note: refusing play against those partial qualifiers was 1) right, 2) just, 3) fair, and 4) almost THIRTY fucking years ago. (edit: dammit, computer just glitched and posted before I was finished this rant)
  11. Yeah, lots of left-behind schools are about to look at their home schedules for 2024 league play, and think, “Wow, there’s not one school in this league that I’m excited to watch play.” Not. One. That’s how Texas and OU fans have felt for a fucking decade.
  12. The block in the back on the punt is the flag I have the least issue with. That dude had zero chance of affecting the play, but it was still a foul. The absurd PI against Watts for hand fighting while the ball sailed 10 yards out of bounds - not even close to PI and not even close to catchable. Result? 3 points for ISU and a tie ballgame. The ticky-tacky hold on our TD pass... shit, our D linemen get held far worse than that on literally every possession of every game. That took 4 points from us. The "grounding" call where Worthy broke right and Quinn threw it left on a scramble drill and the ball went 35+ yards in the air - that's a judgement call where the officials have to decide whether the QB was trying to complete a touchdown pass, or if he was throwing the ball into the grass to avoid a sack. It's a lot like an ump deciding whether a pitcher intended to hit the batter. And I just literally cannot remember that being flagged when a QB is trying to complete a pass that far down the field, but miscommunicates with the receiver. Never. Not once. That was bullshit. It didn't affect the score, because Auburn hit a very difficult field goal anyway, but it was obvious fuckery, and you KNEW they were gonna flag it when they huddled up together 15 seconds after the play ended. The "procedure" penalty against Whittington... again, that's a reeeeeally soft call that you could probably flag multiple times every game, but it just never gets flagged. But, as others have said, it's not the calls on us as much as it's the failure to flag obvious penalties on our Big 12 opponents that's just so consistently 1-sided. Our ball carriers and receivers got hit a step or two out of bounds all night in Ames. Our D linemen got grabbed, held, and tackled all night with zero holding flags. Worthy and Mitchell had at least two uncalled PI on very, very catchable balls where they were taken to the ground by the DB - one where Worthy is trying to come back for an under thrown deep ball. Pretty good chance we get points there - first down at midfield instead of punting from our side of the field - if we get a flag on the most obvious PI call of the season. That jailbreak "screen" - Iowa State got 33 yards on a critical late drive where they scored 7 points, and it was OBVIOUS in real time that 3 of their linemen were between 7-8 yards downfield hunting for DB to block and the ball was completed past the line of scrimmage. I can't remember down and distance, but there's a very high chance that's a drive-killer with any semblance of fair officiating (would have put them in 2nd and 20+ back on their side of the field instead of 1st down in our red zone). That's also reviewable and was as obvious as can be had they taken a look. It was a 43-yard difference in field position on what turned out to be a 7-point Iowa State drive. And then a snap or two later, if Murphy doesn't get obviously held out in space on the subsequent TD, their QB would have been throwing it with an NFL DT right in his face (or yet again that same drive is stalled by an obvious 10-yard penalty). With any reasonable degree of even-handed officiating, this is a 20- to 24-point game. And as HC pointed out, we are repeatedly getting DEEP in the second half before our opponent gets a single penalty marked against them. Then, just like in basketball, we might get 3 or 4 meaningless calls in the last possession or two (after the outcome is decided), so that the 8-0 penalty disparity ends up more like 8-5, and the league doesn't have to account for a comically 1-sided box score even though it was comically 1-sided officiating for the first 50+ minutes. Our record - and any reasonable eyeball test - says we're the best team with the best players in this Big 12, but - miraculously - our NFL-caliber D line never gets held, and our NFL-caliber receivers never get interfered with. The season-long penalty stats 100% illustrate the league fuckery, and it's happening while our conference commissioners repeatedly mock us and openly cheer for our opponents to beat us. Show me a clip where a league commissioner is giving spirited pep talk to one team for them to beat another team in his own league.
  13. I’m hoping for four more games.
  14. When a QB and WR read the field differently, and the wideout breaks one way and the QB throws it the other way (40 yards downfield) - that happens every game, and you NEVER EVER see that flagged as "grounding" (because it's not). But when the refs huddled up, I had no doubt they were going to agree to flag it (they did). At that point in the game, Texas had about 50 yards in penalty yardage against us, and ISU had 0.
  15. If we're thinking of the same play, it was the one where Anthony Hill hit their tight end out on the (offense's) right side, and tackled him on the leading edge of the "5" where the 50-yard-line marker is painted on the turf. Then we get a few different camera shots, and when we see the line of scrimmage set for the next play, the ball has been spotted all the way past that 5... i.e. it was close to 2 yards ahead of his most-generous forward progress.
  16. Yormark and Weisner have been openly mocking us and cheering against us for YEARS. There is no motive at all for them to "clarify" anything this week, when their IDEAL SCENARIO is to have vaguely-written rules that allow them to take ANY teams except Texas.
  17. Sorry for the thread interruption (a callback to Celebrity Death Pool -- 2017):
  18. This reminds me of a story: A few years back, my nephew was getting his pilot's license. He was taking lessons down in Kerrville (I don't know which airport). During his first-ever solo flight, he radios something to the tower about landing, and he's told, "No, you're not clear. There's another plane ahead of you." The other pilot hears this and says, basically, "No. It's okay. He can land first." So my nephew lands. A short time he's at the hangar, getting some congratulations from the old-timers who hang around the airport all day (my late father was one of these guys, but not in Kerrville). Then the other pilot who had given him the go-ahead walks by. He smiles and nods in approval to my nephew. "Nice landing, kid." It was Gene Cernan.
  19. Listened to this, and when I heard him deliver the line, "at a wedding reception in 1972," I thought, "Hmm, that voice sounds just like the dude in that song they use as the theme for the podcast 'Heavyweight.'" Looked it up, and yep... Side note: I am the fucking nerdy guy in that commercial telling everyone about a podcast that I heard.
  20. My thoughts exactly. I mean, it's already turning into a clown show. Wrestling belts? Trying to hype up a "Bluebonnet Rivalry" as a cornerstone rivalry game in your new league... a game that will draw 200K TV viewers if it's not relegated to streaming. I've said it in other threads: These teams don't even give a shit about each other, as witnessed by abysmal attendance, abysmal TV numbers in nearly every game that doesn't involve Texas our OU.
  21. I want to win the next two. If we beat OSU in championship game, we can say "scoreboard forever" to Yormark and Wiesner and the whole league. If we beat OU in championship game, we can say "avenged their only loss," which would be a huge thing if we're in a beauty contest of 1-loss teams for the 4th playoff spot.
  22. no, yes, no, yes, yes
  23. And I'll never look at entire season's worth of home conference games and think, "College football fans across the country don't give a tiny shit about playing a single one of these teams."
  24. Fuck you, Campbell
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