I had to subscribe because I was taking an economics class that required access. The day my subscription started, the banner headline on their front page was "An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm," where they loudly proclaimed that a child victim who got pregnant via rape and had to leave the state for an elective abortion was fictitious and did not exist (Biden had publicly referenced the case)... except they soon found out that she **did** exist and they had to print a retraction (I'll let you guess if the retraction got the same banner-headline treatment).
That is decidedly not the behavior of a "top notch" news room.
I didn't read the WSJ prior to that, and I thought they just catered to stodgy investment banker types. I was kind of shocked at how "Fox News" they were. The victim-denying headline story was far from the only story that seemed to be purely political propaganda and had not a fucking thing to do with business/investment/finance/Wall Street. I mentioned my surprise to a finance friend of mine who does investment analysis, and he laughed and said, "You know they're owned by Murdoch, right?" No, I didn't know that.
Anyway, the class ended and I unsubscribed the first possible day I could.