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Paul Wesley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. Naga…. Naga… NagonnaplayatTexas
  2. I have decided that one of the burdens of being a Texas fan is that nearly every game you watch, the other team will have a really good player who Texas didn't offer. And the announcers will mention it relentlessly for 3+ hours. It's tiresome. I mean, we have about 20 scholarships each year, and there are thousands of high school seniors who would come here if offered. The chance of the Texas staff picking *exactly* the 20 best players who want to come here every year... is ZERO percent. Getting the best 20 out of those thousands is statistically FAR more improbable than picking a perfect NCAA bracket. So you're going to line up against really good players who you didn't offer. Every year. Nearly every week. It's not a fucking storyline that deserves the amount of air time that it gets. That said, coaches have to do a reasonably good job evaluating talent. I mean, we went the better part of a decade with Case McCoy, Jerrod Heard, and Tyrone Swoopes lining up under center, not to mention a decade of poor O-line play, and that's kind of inexcusable given our resources.
  3. A friend has one of those mahogany Martins. They're nice guitars. Celery, I love the sound of the Matchless. Remind me what model you have?
  4. Yeah, like Boom says, "Nevermind" was a milepost kind of album, and there haven't been very many of those. "Sgt Peppers" signaled what was possible with modern recording gear. Van Halen's first record featured a new level of guitar virtuosity, and ushered in 13 years of spandex and hairspray (In the words of Bill Burr, "When I was a kid, you dressed like a girl and sang about the devil. Now *that* was music."). The hair metal that VH inspired was the dominant sub-genre of rock music right up until the opening chords of "Teen Spirit." Immediately, the hairspray and the spandex -- all of it was over. The sound, the clothes, the haircuts, the cities that represented the cutting-edge ethos -- everything changed overnight. "Nevermind" did that. I would add Van Halen's debut to Boom's list of albums that changed the course of musical history. My own .02 as an aside here: Just like VH brought on a parade of terrible imitators (Warrant, Poison, etc), "Nevermind" brought on a parade of no-talent copycats with way too many layered dirty guitars (Creed, Nickelback). Ugh. Anyway, "In Utero" was hugely anticipated as a follow-up, but the band didn't want to make Nevermind 2. Instead, they worked with a different producer/engineer (Steve Albini), whose sound was far less polished. I think the fact that the band pushed back against the label and chose to take a more low-fi, DIY path... it still inspires a lot of rock fans to proclaim it as the band's best work. Personally, I think the songs on "In Utero" take a big step back, and I'm not wild about the Albini sound.
  5. I thought the same thing earlier in the year... How awesome would RoJo have been as a wishbone QB?
  6. I thought he'd do great things at UT, but he had some facepalm plays (TCU, LSU) and just sort of fizzled. Transferring out and starting over again was probably best for everyone. And it's not like we were left with an empty running back room. I'd definitely rather see the Robinsons and RoJo get the carries, and the mop-up touches can go to Brooks.
  7. "Disinterested" has seen the same evolution, and I think the new (and historically incorrect) definition is almost entirely due to sportscasters constantly using it to describe low-energy and low-effort players.
  8. My favorite thread to see bumped to the top. Google search lead me to this guitarworld page, but you'll have to click through some pop up ads: https://www.guitarworld.com/gear/the-best-reverb-pedals-for-guitar I have the first iteration of Hall of Fame. It's fine. I probably don't want to spend the time and money to replace it... but if I had it to do over again, I would pick something that 1) keeps small footprint, 2) has reasonably simple interface, and 3) doesn't require high-amperage power (my power supply limits the number of thirsty digital pedals that can live together at once, and the "reverb" spot isn't gonna be one of those). But anyway, I'm not buying any more pedals. I'm not. ...although that Neunabar Immerse looks super cool.
  9. I'm seeing Texas -3.5
  10. Their win streak (and top-5 ranking) were fool's gold. It was stupid to throw so much $$$$$$ at Jimbo. They scored 1 TD vs a terrible Colorado team. 1 TD today vs Hogs. 1 first-half TD vs Kent State.
  11. I make it a point not to reward nonsense with clicks, whether it's music, sports, movies, or politics. So thanks for cutting and pasting. Just to state more of the obvious: The name of the magazine is pretty much synonymous with "rock and roll." So it's just a no-win situation when they bend over backwards to be diverse and inclusive. It would be like "Ebony" or "Jet" magazines making their own list by sending out their survey to old white guys... who stack the deck with Jimmie Rodgers, Woody Guthrie, and Metallica. You'd get an equally silly list. I'm open to hearing poll results from surveys, but this ought to be labeled as "2021 industry survey." For Rolling Stone to stick their name on it to get a few short-term clicks... I think it just stinks of "LOOK AT ME!" and illustrates their complete and total irrelevance to modern music.
  12. ... and yes, the Chappelle stories and impersonation are addressed.
  13. The Rick James documentary on cable this month (?Showtime) is really good. They assembled quite a number of his family and former bandmates to participate, and their stories are entertaining (though maybe predictable). It's worth watching even if you're not a fan of his music. Definitely worth a DVR. (spoiler alert) There were rumors that he used illegal drugs.
  14. Yeah, he's won me over. He was a guest on one of the weekly Longhorn podcasts (?"flagship"), and as always, he comes off as even-handed and fair when discussing the pros and cons of the Texas program ... which is really saying something, given the hysteria of "Texas destroyed the conference," and "It's not fair!" from all of our former and present league members (and yeah, I think 99% of that anti-Texas noise is bullshit).
  15. I’m at a bar but reading lips pretty sure Sark said “run the fucking play.”
  16. AUTF, that was super cool of you. I think I discovered that thread only days -- maybe hours -- after the last one had been claimed.
  17. So if I am understanding these announcers correctly, the word out of OU camp is that every player on defense has a chance to be "special," but they can't hold the line of scrimmage or get off blocks vs. Tulane? GTFO. If there's one thing I learned from preseason games vs rented victims, it's that struggling at the LOS is a bad omen for your season. Obviously, game is early, and I expect OU to roll.... but that does not look like the defense of a top-2 football team.
  18. Turns out it’s a “700,” so definitely worth fixing.
  19. It's a private business, right? Those employees didn't take any kind of oath. I find it 100% credible when the owner says in the email that she and her employees have "worked overtime, to exhaustion, unpaid and underpaid" to try to serve the public, while Owens was actively making their jobs and lives worse. They don't owe her shit. If conservatives have a problem with that, they should just imagine that Owens is gay and Suzanna Lee and company didn't feel like baking her a fucking cake.
  20. I have an attenuator… a really nice one, but I guess I don’t love the sound of the amp enough to patch it in. I’m sort of lazy that way… I just want to sit down and start playing. It’s why I spent so much time getting a good pedalboard together… because I hate having a guitar hanging around my neck while I’m fucking with patch cables and 9-volts. Baseball caps and fender amps… I see guys all around me making them look good and sound good, but I just feel awkward and unnatural with either one.
  21. I have a Super Reverb, and in order to get it to break up, it has to be so loud that you would never ever sit in the same room with it. Not coincidentally, it’s the amp I play the least. You can pull out a tube, which helps a little… but not nearly enough. I might try some of these other mods: http://fenderguru.com/amps/super-reverb/
  22. I have come to expect disingenuous arguments and constant low-level racism from Fox News... but wow. Just wow.
  23. Yeah, I get that. I still think there's a price point for everything where you're better off buying vintage. 5K for a new microphone will get you something nice, but it will be worth 4K the day you unbox it and 3K a year or two later. As opposed to spending that on a vintage mic that is almost certain to go up... many of them appreciate substantially. But you're right that you're on-the-hook for repairs, which are far more likely than with something new. I would also be really interested to hear that guitar side-by-side with a couple 55-year old versions.
  24. Is 5k enough to consider an actual 1960’s Hummingbird? That’s about what they run, says Reverb.
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