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Paul Wesley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. So many traitors.
  2. It sure doesn't look like he had to work super hard to find simple-minded fascists seeking to commit violent treason.
  3. Good friend of mine was a huge fan of the "boom goes the dynamite" guy, and it was his (my buddy's) 40th b-day. So I looked up the dynamite guy, and he was working as a news reporter somewhere. He sent me an autographed head shot that said, "Happy 40th, (my friend). Boom Goes the Dynamite!" It was a pretty cool thing for Brian to own his infamous moment of disaster. For those too young to even remember: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/boom-goes-the-dynamite
  4. Yeah, you don't realize how slick the production is at Fox or CNN (or "The Apprentice") until you click over to OAN. Everything looks and sounds incredibly amateurish, doesn't it? I've seen speculation about how/when/where Trump wants to endlessly be on TV after he leaves office... and speculation that he might not be on OAN or Newsmax just because he realizes their production is pretty shitty. And btw, the chyron on Fox right now: "CRITICS ACCUSE DEMOCRATS OF DIVISIVE RHETORIC" (caps theirs)
  5. I don't have the stomach to brave those today, but I did watch 20 minutes of Fox this morning. Over and over, they returned to the theme, "Big Tech Censoring Conservatives!" I mean, they are VICTIMS of an unfair system. It's just so obvious, everyone. We got a couple of very angry Tomi Lahren spots where she screamed at liberals for "dividing us" (never mind that we really need the GOP to individually identify themselves as a party respectful of laws and elections OR lawless right-wing terrorists). We got Newt Gingrich mocking an impeachment. There is zero -- and I mean fucking ZERO -- self analysis, acceptance that the people who support Trump tried to overthrow the government, or that this occurred with the real-time endorsement of many, many Republicans. So anybody who thought this could be a major turning point in big right-wing media pumping out a firehose of lies and treasonous disinformation... sorry to disappoint. And I'm too fucking disgusted and heartbroken to listen to it, but you can be 100% sure that right-wing AM radio, and the prime time Fox lineup of Carlson, Ingraham, and Hannity -- those guys are going to be FAR more seditious than the "news" people.
  6. As much as I think that he's really fucking stupid (e.g. "boarder," "smocking gun," "council," etc.), I have to say that after reading the transcript of the Ukraine call, and hearing the actual audio of the Georgie SOS call, Trump is really good at mob-style language where his intent - bribery, intimidation, coercion - is crystal clear, but he uses language that gives himself plausible deniability in a court of law. So yeah, he'll keep right on with the "very special people," and "a lot of people are saying" and agitate these fucking cretins right to the bitter end.
  7. Quoting myself here from last week. I'm telling you this: If you haven't listened to Rush lately, it is full-on treason pretty much nonstop. I am totally not surprised that he's still calling for violence even *after* the deeply shameful events of this week. To borrow from Bill Burr... Rush is a first-ballot Treason Hall of Famer.
  8. They can lead a revolution against the United States, but by God, they are VICTIMS!
  9. OK. I will grudgingly accept this point and apologize to you for the call-out. I will also pour myself a cocktail and consider the idea that you might be correct that we live in the kind of country where we have to be nice to the traitors who tried to overthrow the government so we don't upset 50 million idiots.
  10. I read the quoted text at the top of the tweet, and when I clicked on it, I was expecting to see a video of Georgia Democrats harassing him after they found out he tried to invalidate their votes to steal an election. But no. It's Trumpkins harassing him because he *didn't* cheat hard enough. Weird world.
  11. One of the absolutely fucking stupidest takes I've ever seen on these boards. Congrats.
  12. This times a billion. Why on earth would we go after some vague notion of being "unfit" when there is overwhelming concrete evidence (an hour-long phone call) of him committing FELONY ELECTION FRAUD in seeking to overturn the results of a democratic election? I mean, this isn't just "improper"... like, say, sharing polling data and coordinating your campaign with a hostile government. This is actually a felony per US laws.
  13. I watched a lot of Fox News (Ingraham and Carlson were the worst) and OAN last night, and I must have heard the word "antifa" 500 fucking times. Just a relentless repetition of hosts and guests reinforcing one another. "This might have been antifa." "Of course we don't know if it was antifa." "Let's keep in mind that violence was normalized by antifa." "Antifa has created this dangerous situation in America." So yeah, I think you're right on the money for how this is going to evolve. The last 30 years has taught me that Republicans completely accept as gospel these little nuggets that they affirm to one another over and over again. "Russia hoax." "No collusion." "Mueller is corrupt." "Russia hoax." "No collusion." More recently: "election fraud." "More votes than voters." "destroyed ballots." "election fraud." "dead voters." "Illegal aliens voted." "election fraud." In all those cases, there is literally NO FUCKING EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for what have become their core, defining, cornerstone beliefs.
  14. I'm going to be fucking disgusted if articles of impeachment aren't filed. I would strongly prefer that they're based on Trump's phone call to Georgia, with its intimidation, veiled threats, and encouragement of voter fraud. I don't want some vague bullshit about being "unfit." I want it attached to criminal behavior. I want this to happen because 1) it is just and correct, 2) the dirty piece of shit deserves it. But 3) I think it is hugely beneficial to the future of the country to force every Republican to go ON THE RECORD and say if they're still a Trumpkin or not. How their party sorts our those differences afterwards is their problem, not ours. They made up this bed of racism, lawlessness, and absurd conspiracy theories, so they can all go fucking snuggle in it and sort their shit out.
  15. JFC... antifa, antifa, antifa It's relentless on Fox News and OAN tonight.
  16. "A few bad apples stormed the nation's Capitol..." OAN host
  17. Laura Fucking Ingraham going on and on for her entire show about how "We don't know if it was Antifa." "Antifa normalized this violence." "Why didn't we see this outrage against Antifa?"
  18. This. There are a lot of Louie Gohmerts in the House.
  19. Yeah, remember after the marriage equality decision (?2015), when Cruz immediately started tweeting about how "five unelected judges" have too much power, and how they should be democratically elected instead of appointed? Cruz is ready to wipe his ass with the Constitution the very instant that he thinks it serves his interests to do so. He was ready to abolish the Supreme Court whenever he didn't like their decision. Now he's ready to throw out the voters from another state when he doesn't like how they voted. I never ever want to hear a conservative tell me what a brilliant constitutional mind he is. He's a spineless little cunt, and he is 100% not a patriot or a defender of the Constitution.
  20. I had the same reaction to the Cruz speech. "FRAUD!!! FRAUD!!! DEFINITELY FRAUD!!! PROOF OF FRAUD!!! As proof of fraud, let me quote you some statistics on how many Americans think there was fraud." (quotes statistics). "So you see America, there was definitely fraud, and it is crucial that our country goes back to trusting elections. And finally, I leave you with this: FRAUD!!!!"
  21. Shit, I think there's an 80% chance of MAGA riots this afternoon.
  22. The weirdest thing about the past 10 years of Mitt Romney may be this: I never saw any videos where Democrats confronted him in airports and said, "I believe in marriage equality, protecting the environment, and a woman's right to choose. I also work just as hard as anyone else, pay taxes like everyone else, and love this country as much as anyone else. So I just want to tell you 'fuck you' for calling me a taker, and for lying about why I'm not voting for you." Only when Mitt showed the tiniest amount of integrity by voting to impeach the corrupt president who was (once again) seeking foreign interference in American elections... only then did we start seeing *anyone* go after him in an airport. Weird world.
  23. Of course the one, single senate Republican who voted with integrity ("I can't think of a more impeachable offense.") is getting repeatedly publicly confronted by all the little Trumpkins.
  24. Satriani playing at a destruction derby is just so incredibly white. I feel like he should do a project where he alternates every other song with Wu-Tang. Like a chicken and waffles kind of thing.
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