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Paul Wesley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. "Baaah, that isn't music! When I was a kid, you dressed like a woman and sang about the devil. Now *that* was music."
  2. The other day, out of curiosity, I tried to find if any website was counting how many times he’s tweeted the word “unfair!” Didn’t see an answer, but I’ll bet it’s a lot.
  3. All of this may be true... but whether or not a person is self-aware - that’s not anywhere in the formula for what makes them racist, right?
  4. I appreciate your effort to judge the average person in the party in a generous benefit-of-the-doubt kind of way. That said, can we all agree that if any democratically elected leader in the free world tweeted his/her supporter repeatedly screaming “White power!” - that person would be (justly) removed from office by the end of the fucking day? But here, not only did Republicans not call him out... the entire news machinery moved right along within 36 hours. So I’d say the systemic and ongoing empowering of racists is most definitely “racist” in every sense. And as a side note, I never ever want to hear a Republican tell me that CNN and the other networks are hysterical and unfair to them.
  5. Cool story, but it would have been even cooler if you'd seen them on the elevator looking all dejected and then you and your friends just got in their faces and went "BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
  6. I don’t know how many of you ever got to see the Tragically Hip in a nightclub, but Gord Downie was a phenomenal front man. Maybe the most visually engaging and charismatic singer I’ve seen (and I’ve seen almost everyone on this thread). Granted, I saw Jagger and Plant 20 years past their respective primes.
  7. Haha. He definitely goes way overboard comparing ever single vocal note to that moment’s chord, and then tries to tell us the writer’s intent
  8. https://timpalmer.com/ I think he has a mix room with an SSL out in Dripping Springs (?). He's done lots of guest spots on the engineering geek shows like "Pensado's Place." Seems like a super nice guy.
  9. Agreed. Mixed by Austin transplant Tim Palmer.
  10. Curious what specific 2nd amendment question you feel is unsettled law?
  11. I've said this on other threads, but starting out with Reagan's "Government IS the problem" as your thesis statement pretty much assures you of a shitty existence. I mean, citizens should argue for effective government, efficient government, or even the least amount of government possible. But this fucking idiotic "government bad!" knuckle-dragging leads directly to an unsafe world with tainted food, dirty air and water, no transportation, no electricity, no running water, widespread financial fraud, complete lack of affordable healthcare, no public education, no affordable housing, unsafe work conditions, slave wages, etc, etc, etc. It has lead us to numerous cabinet-level appointees who are laughably unqualified for their posts, and openly hostile to their mission (Rick Perry, Wilbur Ross, Ben Carson, Betsy Devoss, etc). "Willful Stupidity!" is the de facto motto of the modern GOP, but that doesn't win you a lot of votes. So instead, here are some great memes, everyone! This one pretends that Hillary said something she never said (and then we ZING that bitch!!), and here's one that pretends that antifa is trying to tear down the Statue of Liberty (everyone opposed to my thinking is part of an ANGRY MOB!). Both things I've seen in the past few days on social media.
  12. I'm too lazy to look them all up, but I think he uses not-subtle coded language to say essentially the same things that white supremacists say. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/10/tucker-carlson-fox-news-united-states-race It's definitely not surprising that David Duke wants him to be one feeble, adderal-snorting heartbeat from the presidency.
  13. White supremacists unquestionably recognize Tucker Carlson as a true believer. And BTW, the slow burn podcast season on David Duke is pretty good.
  14. Yeah, I knew that was your intent. My ALL CAPS SHOUTING was supposed to be aimed at that misguided line of thinking and not at you.
  15. I suppose that's true. But keep in mind: If you truly believe that abortion is the "Trump" issue (SWIDT?), you're going all-in on what you imagine Jesus' instructions *might* have been on an issue that he never addressed, while simultaneously ignoring BASICALLY EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HE ACTUALLY SAID... you know... the whole live a life of poverty, humility, and service, and help people in need, even if they are a different race or religion from your own. In other words: not really "Christian" in the sense that you're practicing what he taught.
  16. I will go to my grave not understanding how self-proclaimed followers of Christ have so vehemently and passionately thrown their support behind such a reprehensible and objectively un-Christ-like man. I still can't get over it.
  17. Tens of millions. I don't know exactly the moment that Fox went from being the right-leaning network in the 90's to the modern American version of "Pravda" that routinely misrepresents photos (using those of bigger or smaller gatherings as it suits their narrative, editing Trump out of their Epstein pics) and pushes false and weaponized stories with Russian origins (Seth Rich). I actually watch it pretty often - though I'll admit I can only take it in 10-minute doses without my head exploding from the intellectual dishonesty. One of the narratives I've noticed most in the past week or so is "mob." Everyone they disagree with is a "mob." BLM protestors are a lawless "mob." This morning they were discussing Trump's proposed Garden of Heroes and repeatedly warned their viewers not to give in to the "angry mob" that wants to tear down history and will never be satisfied. The other talking points I see repeated every few minutes this week are 1) Biden is addled, and 2) Biden is a tool of the "radical left," which is kind of hilarious (can you imagine how that must be going over with Warren, Yang, or Sanders?). All of the Fox talking points reinforce either A) "Both sides!" (e.g. Trump slurs his words, but so does Biden), or B) your way of life is under threat from "the left." It's a 24-hour cyanide pill for this democracy.
  18. I've been aware of Dershowitz as a pundit and a professor since I was a teenager. But I've never seen him actually "lawyer" until the televised (Ukraine) impeachment hearings, where I found him to be laughably incompetent. And after watching about 10 minutes of that, I decided that law was pretty much like every other field - where the people who are the faces and purported experts of the field are generally just self-promoting buffoons, and not at all the cream of the profession.
  19. My wife is tired of hearing me say this. Any other leader of a free world country who did exactly that would have been impeached/removed from office by the end of that day. But in America, it was out of the news cycle in 24 hours... and yet my conservative friends will continue to tell each other how the media is unfair to them.
  20. My 2- car garage is secure and reasonably well-sealed/insulated (ceiling and walls finished just like the house). I’m considering putting in a dehumidifier of some kind. Looks like I can get a decent-sized (non-commercial) one for $300. That would be pretty simple: drill a drain hole through one wall and plug it in. Option 2 is a very small mini-split, which I’d guess would be well over $2k (maybe cost-prohibitive) once installed. Back story is that I inherited a number of things that I don’t really have space for — some heirloom furniture, my late father’s library, etc. — and it needs a place to live for a couple years, after which I have siblings who will then be in position to take it (right now they can’t). Anyone with personal experience trying to dehumidify a storage shed/garage without spending $$$?
  21. Motto worthy.
  22. Fucking relentless, isn’t it?
  23. Well, he's already stood on the podium and smiled while an all-white crowd at a rally chanted "Send them back!" about four black and brown Americans. And collectively, the entire Republican Party - all of them - said NOT. A. SINGLE. FUCKING. WORD. I mean, it seems to me that it would take a single molecule of decency, a single neuron in favor of dignity, morality, and justice, for JUST ONE Republican to step up the mic and say, "This is wrong, and I do not support or condone it." And yet...
  24. Every stupid word Sammy Hagar ever penned... and subsequently acted out line by line in his retard videos. It’s like eating sonic lead paint.
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