Here's a reading of the courtroom transcript from Flynn's sentencing hearing. It's beyond shocking, and it's worth the watch.
Importantly, this federal judge had far more information about Flynn's actions than any of us commenting on this thread, and the judge was using words like "treason" and "disgust."
The issue of a "perjury trap" (I don't think those words appear directly in the transcript) are directly addressed by the judge starting at 14:45. Paraphrased, "Did you actually need the FBI to explain to you that lying to the FBI is a crime?"
Even in December of 2018, Flynn has rightwing media (and the White House PRESS SECRETARY!!!!!!!) claiming some deep-state mistreatment of this traitor. But when facing the judge who is sentencing him, he has to completely disavow any hint that he was treated unfairly... because it's complete fucking bullshit, and everyone in the courtroom knows it's bullshit.
If it wasn't complete bullshit, then Flynn would have taken the entire case to trial (and subsequently died in prison) instead of doing what he did.
And I fully expect an attack on Maddow. Yes, she editorializes with her own outrage. but most of this video is a verbatim READING OF THE COURT TRANSCRIPT. If any of you want to post a video of a conservative pundit reading the transcript from a Flynn sentencing hearing, then by all means, do so. I won't hold my breath.