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Paul Wesley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. She needs to hammer Stone (and he richly deserves to be hammered). And I understand that Trump and Barr will defy the law and subvert her decision, which is a separate issue.
  2. The Mike Campbell Duesenberg is a modded Starplayer. Maybe they'll do a second Mike Campbell guitar that's a modded Double Cat or Caribou.
  3. That's how it's looking, right?
  4. I was expecting you to reveal one of the collapsing buildings from Idiocracy.
  5. I'll be shocked if a single Republican lawmaker says a fucking word. Just like when Trump stood and smiled while an all-white crowd chanted "Send them back!" about four black and brown Americans. Not one word.
  6. Exactly. The deeper we get into this alternate reality where rule of law is flagrantly ignored by the executive branch (and by a complicit Republican legislature), the more I see Trump denying any election tally that would result in requiring his administration to make a peaceful transition of power (i.e. more banana republic shit).
  7. And now one of the prosecutors either resigning in protest of interference or taken off case by DOJ. I'm sure that all the same Republican lawmakers who spoke out against racist chants ("Send them back!") at Trump rallies will again speak out against an obvious wrong by this administration.
  8. So: collude with Russians to subvert democratic elections , repeatedly lie to FBI about said collusion, threaten violence against your co-conspirators and fellow witnesses, encourage violence against a federal judge, and rest easy knowing that Trump and Barr will obstruct justice on your behalf? Fucking sickening.
  9. I haven't read through this whole thread, so this has surely already been pointed out... There are a ton of audio and video clips out there recounting Rush's racism, bigotry, and general meanness. But I think that - by far - the worst thing he's done is something he says 50+ times every show. "Liberals hate America." "Liberals want to destroy this country." "It's just another example of how liberals are pure evil, folks." That shit has taken a giant toll on this country. After decades of repetition, his audience has heard it so much that they swallow it down like a cult. Nobody flips on the AM radio and then thinks critically and says, "Yeah, I have friends/family with liberal politics, and I know for a fact that they are not a demon who wants to destroy America." Rush has done as much to divide this country as any person alive. And he is the personification of hypocrisy. He rails against immigrants, and in racist-coded language (e.g. "thugs") he argues for stiff penalties for criminals. Then he goes back to his mansion and sends his undocumented housekeeper to fetch him vast quantities of illegal narcotics. He calls for "family values" and faith-based morality, then heads to the airport to take a private jet to the Caribbean with a woman who is not his wife, and a bottle of viagra prescribed to someone else. As I type that last paragraph, it occurs to me that we shouldn't have been surprised by the willingness of today's white evangelicals to support an obviously immoral and un-Christ-like cult leader.
  10. When Milli Vanilli was on stage lip syncing, at least they had band of real musicians and an audience of people who were actually fans. There wasn't a single second of live audio during that entire show... just a couple of middle aged chicks doing a soft-core strip tease in front of a fake audience doing scripted fake audience things (pretending to shoot cell phone videos). I'm just fine with watching Shakira dance, but Milli Vanilli had better songs (it's not even close) and were more authentic.
  11. Next TV timeout.
  12. I can't remember a team that just consistently took a worse shot than their opponent... seemingly every possession, every game, all season long. Other teams move the ball, set on-ball and off-ball screens, exploit matchups, make an extra pass -- and they get rewarded with easier looks. Meanwhile, we're launching off-balance, contested shots. Sometimes forced shots happens when a team has no athleticism to create a good look. But it should not happen here. This team is no fun at all to watch.
  13. I clicked on the board and expected the "fire Shaka smart" thread to be at the very top.
  14. Willie Nelson. He's been a constant, unchanged presence as far back as my memories can reach. I remember so many car trips when I was in grade school, where my friends' parents would pick us up from an event, and they'd have Willie going on the car radio (probably on 8-track). I've had a lot of musical heroes that were more important to me in my formative years, but none of them were also my father's musical heroes. Willie is like a star in the sky that never moves. It's going to be really strange for me to one day wake up in a world without him.
  15. So "The Irishman" is to "Goodfellas" as "Once Were Brothers" is to "The Last Waltz?"
  16. Out of curiosity, I googled the estimated net worth of the living members. If the results are to be believed, Robbie is worth 40 million and Garth Hudson is worth 1 million. That's what happens when one guy gets all the credit for writing the songs (including "Chest Fever," somehow). I'm not sure if the other 3 guys in the band shared Levon's post-breakup venomous hatred for Robbie. Levon straight-up said that a destitute Manuel killed himself because Robbie got all their money. Curious to see how Scorsese handles "Levon vs. my good friend Robbie" this time.
  17. I had to google "collar expander" to see what that is. Walmart sells them in a 5-pack, made by "More of Me to Love."
  18. I thought REO Speedwagon was singing “Light in the stormhouse.” I didn’t know what a stormhouse was, but the fact that a light had come on... that seemed ominous. I was disappointed to learn the actual lyric. I also thought The Who were singing “Neeeew Orleans, hoo hoo, hoo hoo.”
  19. Home fans booing a pretty obvious (correct) call.
  20. And that's the basis for the "hold your nose and root for Biden" strategy if you primarily care about getting Trump out of power.
  21. Thanks for posting, smuggs. If anyone is under the impression that DLR could never sing, just listen to that first verse and first chorus. A few pitchy notes here and there, but that is a really solid rock vocal (and yes, I know that's not Dave singing the high harmonies).
  22. I came to this thread to see if anyone had posted that yet. Just brutal. I realize that people age and vocal ranges get smaller, but he seems completely pitch-deaf. Maybe his hearing is gone.
  23. I don't understand *not* calling TO with 2:40 on the clock and 4th and long. NO could have the ball with 2:30 left, clock stops for change of possession. Still have 2 min warning ahead of you. Instead, it's 1:55. That seems like an absolute no-brainer to me.
  24. I hadn't seen the replay of the "touchdown" catch. That was 100% not a catch. Easily meets definition of "irrefutable video evidence."
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