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Everything posted by Clob94

  1. If y'all only knew what was in the water...........
  2. Aggy math? 1546 - 1538 = 8
  3. Tropic thunder or gtfo. Ya i know, 2007ish.
  4. www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-anxiety-disorder-mental-health-political-divide-us-1.4762487 You can go to therapy, it appears
  5. Russian cheek bones are higher. WNB.
  6. I held off for 6 years before watching game of thrones. I haven't seen this many other men's penises since my years in the locker room.
  7. It was the one about only 10,000 Mexican soldiers being at the Alamo because they only had 2 el Caminos and Ford truck. Or at least that's the joke I heard him tell years and years ago at a live show.
  8. Benefits of a classical education. Hook'em
  9. Eating their cake and having it too..... not being a dick, I can just hear my Aunt the literature teacher correcting me in my mind.
  10. So, what more to the story is there?
  11. If PR becomes a state, wouldn't they then also be forced to pay federal income tax-- as most do not currently?
  12. Dang dude..... Papa John just lost his company for allegedly quoting someone using that word. Just saying......
  13. We paid taxes to build roads that were built for us using federal funds. Later, greedy governments looking for a money grab turned some of those roads into toll roads in order to get us to what? Pay for those roads twice? If we pump more money into parks, eventually they will start charging again. Write it down in stone.
  14. For the life of me, I will never understand why it's so difficult to keep your fucking hands in your pockets.
  15. Maybe it's for his old lady's night and weekend gig. Is the south Austin ballet still open?
  16. Sister? You get me her digits?
  17. Not my field bro. But I preciate ya.
  18. No no my friend..... SONG girls.
  19. They still mad.....
  20. Did we really need Walt and Mickey to tell us the fucking obvious?
  21. I actually like Nebraska fans. From a football knowledge stand point, they are arguably the most intellegent-- collectively. Plus, the pheasant hunting up there is awesome.
  22. Wtf? Serious? Meta-data?
  23. Wait until the insurance companies start gaining access to your credit card statements. They'll know your eating, drinking and grocery store purchasing habits-- whether you're a member of a gym, if you buy tobacco at the 7-11-- the works.
  24. Remember the student ID cards we were issued in college? During the 90s it had your photo and a little colored sticker that you'd attach to it each semester: fall 93 was yellow, spring 94 was blue etc... Since those cards were issued by a state entity that also received federal funding, were those cards considered official ID cards? Were they subject to the same laws as a state ID? As in, if you created a fake one, were you subject to state charges?
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