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Everything posted by Clob94

  1. Immigrants are good for the economy. But like anything else, too many immigrants will have a negative impact on the economy. To think otherwise just shows a basic lack of understanding of grade school economics. So, what's your number?
  2. I'm going to go out on a short limb and say this is a typo or misunderstanding. $14 million wouldn't even begin to scratch the surface of the cost of jet fuel.
  3. Wife- "Yaaa... ummm... he unfortunately got into a porn habit but we just prayed away his demons......" There's a difference between thumbing through some porn and being a pedo... his wife should know better.
  4. Nobody likes parade detail. You wear your dress and you smell like shit after. If it's cold outside, you freeze your bag off. Not to mention the logistical cluster fuck of getting troops, materials etc to the party. It's a wasted effort. The right is already full of walking weekend warrior boners that will never NOT love the military and the left will simply bash the troops and call them Trumps goose steppers. You want to honor the troops? Pull them the fuck out of the shithole countries we are in (yes, I said shithole) and station them back home close to their families.
  5. I did not see that part. Ya Houston, he's got a problem. Can we send him to whatever hole we banished Kevin Spacey to? They seem like a good fit for each other.
  6. So the dude obviously liked fapping...... I think we all can agree that a good fap every now and then is warranted and sometimes necessary. And don't bombard me with how hot your old lady is so you don't fap.... I used to date a runner up miss texas and I still needed some Mano love from time to time. It also appears this guy likes an audience.... for those of us that aren't shy, I'm sure you enjoy an audience from time to time as well..... BUT, it's got to be an audience that is 18 or older and willfully wants to be an audience. I could understand if this dude was pounding it and got walked in on....... it's happened..... but this dude seems like a fucking creeper. Does his wife look like hillary? That why bill gets his hall pass from the left..... "you'd stick cigars up chicks hoohaa's too if your wife looked like a swamp donkey..."
  7. No......... no we ain't. I got love for you... but it ain't happening.
  8. My first day of freshman camp we were taken up to the T room. This was where we were allowed to go during study hall and sit, relax and study. I saw photos of Tom Landry and Bobby Layne together. It motivated me to learn more about Bobby because I was a huge Landry fan. Tom thought when he got to Texas that he'd be the starting QB, no doubt. He said after 5 minutes of watching Bobby in practice, Tom wrote "He was hands down the best QB I've ever seen, even to this day. I knew I had better find a different position if I ever wanted to play." Bobby Layne was for real.
  9. She seems to be holding up well.
  10. Sometimes there must be a wild fire in order for the forest to grow back. We see it in nature all the time.
  11. Decade long lurker. Decided to join the convo. True believer in constitutionalism as well as giving respect in order to get respect. Sound good to you?
  12. 3 solutions: 3rd party that passes term limits OR A national divorce (peaceful) OR Go to your corner and ring the bell and let the bullets start flying. These are the only 3 ways we fix this division.
  13. Crazy thought here-- do sharks need tractors to plow corn in Nebraska? No, because they live in the ocean. If you're going to come to this country, sign the book on your way in---- or don't come. Pretty simple concept.
  14. I wouldn't invoke that 3 letter agency if I were you.... or anyone else for that matter.
  15. Please don't turn this into a whataboutism convo. Churches should pay taxes. Corporations are able to skirt some taxes because of the bullshit tax laws created by career politicians like Strom Thurmond, Ted Kennedy, McCain, Pelosi etc. People of their ILK created this fucking mess. I fucking LOATHE career politicians. Why did these illegals not have car insurance? Simple answer, they made the conscious choice to not fill out the 4 documents needed to apply for a green card. The one dude was a flat out petty thief..... until he stole a car.
  16. Let's focus on the media portion of this for the purposes of this discussion. A young up and Comer on the right will be bashed by msnbc, cnn, nyt, etc. A young up and Comer on the left is bashed by Fox, rush, talk radio etc. An up and Comer from the middle gets bashed on all sides to prevent said leader from "stealing" from both sides.
  17. I've been preaching this since I was 18. Now why, do you suppose, that no valid third party has ever been able to find viability?
  18. Trap door question. Consumption taxes, yes, no doubt. Sales tax, gas tax, etc. Income taxes, not as many. I've been involved in 3 car accidents in my lifetime. Rear ended while sitting at a stoplight in corpus. Hit by an illegal with no car insurance. T-boned in San Antonio by a guy that ran a stop sign in a stolen car (illegal immigrant). No insurance. Brushed a woman's rear driver side bumper in austin as she made an I'll advised left turn into the north bound Lane on south lamar near Saxon pub. No idea her status because she fled the scene. All an anomaly?
  19. I'm curious as to your position on the surging number of Russian women flocking in droves to Florida to give birth on tourist visas. The number grows daily.
  20. They don't reach the levels that "I do" (you) because of one thing: You did not lose your best friend because of his foreign policy. I'm not a Trump guy..but I'm seeing some results. That's all I care about from elected officials- results. Unemployment is at an all time low for all races, the stock market is killing it- my sector of business is rocking... so far, I ca only complain about him being a pornstar fucking goober.
  21. There were things he did did that impressed me. Ya, he was a cool cat with an air about him...but I the end, was he Wesley snipes from "white men can't jump"? He'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win? His foreign policy was just shy of terrible.... Israel, Syria, Mexico, Iran, Russia "called and they want their 1980s policy back". Drone strikes....... no way that can be defended. Fast and furious, don't even try. Did I support the guy his first term? No doubt. But by his second term, his deficiencies were readily revealed. I will gladly debate with you those short comings or you can simply act like a Bob stoops bag of dicks and call me a name like nazi or klansmen and show everyone that you don't care about an honest discussion, you just care about shilling for "your guy" blindly. Volley to you.
  22. See my previous posts. I agree. Both sides are shit. Time for a 3rd party and term limits. Or perhaps open revolution.
  23. So like there are blind Trump defenders, there are also blind Obama defender, such as yourself. As far as I am concerned, I most certainly can "both sides" this shit because I'm not loyal to either party. I'm about result, not style. If you think the previous administration didn't have some serious warts, I've got some bad news for you. They did. Neg me all you want because I'm not confirming to your beliefs or this echo chamber here, but my life was permanently altered by the one of the irresponsible acts of the previous administration. And no, it had nothing to do with the ACA.
  24. Just finished a massive dump. Had Thai food for dinner last night. Took a photo of it and tweeted it to Looch.
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