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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. https://www.11alive.com/embeds/video/responsive/85-72774a23-fdab-404e-896e-8e92f9859a77/iframe
  2. @immamac what is the correct thread to post "what ifs"?
  3. i don't understand why the thread's theme is sadness gunnar now bleeds 204.85.0 that is life affirming
  4. sorry for the belated update launch window opens in 23:55 midnight texas time today
  5. the last time i recall this much sentiment in one direction was the morning of uga1 when the entire gameday panel picked us to win convincingly
  6. houston ditto pick your route drive safe everyone
  7. austinites on i35 - all else equal all routes to the tailgate running 1 hour - assume everyone staying tonight will try to check and secure their rooms first - but for those heading nonstop to the tailgate pick your route
  8. decades of pent-up fishcamp programming exploded like a pandemic across the state that winter aggy eyes were bulging from their skulls for the next 10 years and set back their normalization in society by decades
  9. the most important data point in those images is the forecast of 37f at noon - if that is for DFW airport, then it's either warmer or warms up faster further south if i were driving from austin i would get up and get on the road just to get on the road and stop for breakfast in georgetown, temple or waco based on the above data i35 is totally melted all the way to i20 by noon
  10. nothingburger is not a correct characterization of what is going to refreeze tonight it's all about how fast and how early the freeze line retreats to the north relelvant data at 6pm:
  11. post #627 captures the radar track of this exact type of maneuver
  12. kudos to CSPAN - they are staying with the motorcade in the dark al the way to his house when reagan died it was an all day east-to-west agenda and thatcher was held back to pay her respects exactly at sunset after 200+ had already gone before her and only CSPAN stayed with it live
  13. welp that was botched c-span is the only network that had it they were so far behind schedule and the birds were on station burning gas so they did the flyover while he was still in the hearse 3 diamonds followed by the stagger 4 formation, #2 was the missing man THEN the funeral party disembarks from the buses they didn't even get to see it what a clusterfuck
  14. our official friend is keeping his distance but still hanging around maybe i'm wrong on flyover c&c and it's this guy
  15. arrival Maranatha Baptist, Plains
  16. i think this guy may be the 'awacs' for the missing man flyover altitude: 3.5 ground speed: 93 kts but demarcated as a plane not a helicopter..... https://www.flightradar24.com/ARK48/38a93d0d the flight track is.... odd to say the least
  17. this guy is in front of the motorcade and obviously OFFICIAL https://www.flightradar24.com/B407/38a95cab
  18. here's a fun track.... this guy just "appears" from a forest north of plains and clearly finds the motorcade and is trailing.... it was a former fox news bird... https://www.flightradar24.com/N46CL/38a96462
  19. the plane in front of the tanker is the guide plane
  20. 10tanker DC-10-30 N603AX departed SBD 20 minutes ago and is at fl120 about to make a drop dive of about 10000 feet in 3 minutes https://www.flightradar24.com/TKR914/38a94ec9
  21. broadcast networks still showing bullshit cnn is now live
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