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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. armybrat plaintext: In 2015, University of Missouri Deans met with University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe on October 9 and October 13 to ask for Loftin's resignation. On October 21, the Curators met behind closed doors in what was speculated by some to be related to proceedings about Loftin's role in shutting down ties between Planned Parenthood and the University. State Rep. Caleb Jones, R-Columbia, speculated on Twitter that Loftin would be fired for his role in shutting down MU's connections to Planned Parenthood. On November 3, The MU English department faculty voted unanimously in a vote of no confidence against Loftin. Then on November 9, nine deans called on the UM System Board of Curators for Loftin's removal. Citing Loftin's handling of race and cultural issues, the firing of the dean of the School of Medicine, the abrupt cancellation of graduate student health insurance subsidies in August, and the elimination of the vice chancellor for health sciences, they wrote that Loftin had created a “toxic environment through threat, fear and intimidation." That same day, amid protests which culminated with the resignation of president Wolfe earlier that day, Loftin announced that he would resign at the end of 2015 and take a research role at the University.[6] On November 11, the Curators voted to hasten his departure from January 1 to be effective immediately. Loftin's responsibilities were transferred to Interim Chancellor Hank Foley. In his not clearly defined role after his departure from the office of Chancellor,[7] Loftin's annual salary was $337,500.[8]
  2. does the book talk about the origin of the standing offer they were claiming in '07?
  3. fwiw THECB is currently run by a made ex-Horn with zero visible aggy ties on his linkedin, and he has been in the job for 4+ years. as for slocum, allow me to post his wiki job history: 1972 Texas A&M (offensive asst.) 1973–1978 Texas A&M (defensive asst.) 1979–1980 Texas A&M (DC) 1981 USC (DC) 1982–1988 Texas A&M (DC) 1989–2002 Texas A&M with the exception of 1 year he was there when the cheating began, flourished, and was finally punished was he a driving force? or just complicit? does it matter? he absolutely paid for sherrill's bullshit anyone with integrity much less an adherent to the aggy creed was out of there by '84 when the cheating reached full velocity
  4. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/super-bowl/standings.htm
  5. for now brady is the goat sunday is a referendum on mahomes' opportunity to chase tom playoff wins this century brady won 30 chefs are on 14 lombardis brady: 6 mahomes: 2 2 more wins for mahomes and he is halfway there in year 6
  6. someone please start the finals thread - no one likes the way i do it lions will put up a fight but 9ers will cover whatever the line is chefs/nevermores is another toss up
  7. can we please decide for whom the fix is in?
  8. don't think so - hit butt is on chef helmet
  9. fumble: yes fumbled through and out of the endzone: safety or touchback?
  10. there's lots of fail in here that says the lie-downs are going down today: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/det/playoffs.htm but if they do win today the talk will be about history repeating itself when in '57 they went to kezar and beat the fortywhiners on the way to their 3rd win over mid-century powerhouse cleveland after that title, well, look at their history at the link
  11. the surl is setting all-time highs (lows) for pic posting this weekend
  12. aggy bitches about the BOMC but it sure failed mightily when aggy skated for more than a decade before the no-tv no-bowl sanctions handed down on 6 Jan 94 smew didn't kill the SWC - no one gave a shit when they were executed but aggy.... the wailing and caterwauling across the state held off the dogs for YEARS and in the end they still got to play their season aggy are never reported accurately in austin, dallas or houston because the media avoid the blowback by simply ignoring the aggy reality of the day there were plenty of sec schools (klan, barn...) that had tv bans after aggy but the only real sanction (TV MONEY) ever taken against a SWC team was the punishment of aggy for the sherrill years and that was postponed until the rig deal was put together behind the scenes the reality is, aggy killed the swc and shared killing of the rig along with dr. tom's butthurt
  13. Where the hell is our $9.95 ecosystem on FOIA requests for documentation of repayment of the loans from 2007 and 2008? Come on fuckers. It's the offseason. Earn you scrip.
  14. dkr also gave it to bear https://www.si.com/college/alabama/football/daily-dose-crimson-tide-1971-alabama-usc-wishbone by the next season ('72) purdue and ucla also ran it fuck switzer and fuck sherrill
  15. plaintext Adjusted SEC Top 10 Power Rankings for Next year Posted by Tarpon08 iconLSU.gif online on 1/19/24 at 8:49 pm 1. Texas- Because UGA lost Downs lol 2. Georgia- Lost Downs Lol Rest of the top 10 remains: 3. LSU- Back to Back 10 Wins, Staff Upgrades, Recruiting 4. Ole Miss- All in in 2024. Only this low due to high school recruiting. 5. Oklahoma- Nice Turnaround Year and Top 10 Recruiting 6. Tennessee- Solid last few years and recruiting OK. 7. Missouri- Will be good next year and then we'll poach the rest of your staff. Sorry. 8. Auburn- Freeze can Coach and 2024 and 2025 classes looking good! 9. Alabama- You guys are so fricked. 10. Texas A&M- You guys are so gay.
  16. i did not see this thread before starting same topic - requested deletion other thread
  17. aggy shocker upset pricks shocker upset lie-downs win & host the final chefs/tatonka: toss up, no clue
  18. the demise of the 2nd papers of record in many big cities had an unintended consequence years downline when the intertrons developed a nasty habit of flushing historical content down the memory hole...... ..... many here are not old enough to remember the Dallas Times-Herald and the role it played in sports coverage and sports investigation both locally and nationally but it died at the end of '91 and it's entire publication history is showing up in result sets much less frequently, so when i stumble across important DTH content it merits a posting 6 years to the day before the last issue of the DTH they published the first in a series of articles on our friends; here it is referenced by an LA Times article the same day which remains available in the clear on the intertrons and still appears in aggy result sets with the right search terms @aggypedia all of the DTH articles should be canonized as .jpgs in their original print form factor to preserve the Holy Quality of Their Truth and Revelation +++ Dallas Paper, in Probe, Alleges Payoffs to Players at Texas A&M L.A. Times Archives Dec. 8, 1985 12 AM PT From Times Wire Services DALLAS — aggy football players were given thousands of dollars in under-the-table payments and other illegal considerations by coaches and booster “sugar daddies,” a copyright story in the Dallas Times Herald said. In a 160-inch story appearing in today’s editions, the Times Herald reported that a two-month investigation undertaken by the newspaper revealed that aggy, this year’s Southwest Conference football champions, had committed scores of NCAA violations since 1979. The story was the first in a series, the newspaper said. One former player, Gary Rogers of Dallas, said he was paid $20,000 by Riley C. Couch III, a Dallas banker and president-elect of the Dallas aggy Club. “It came to the point where I began to wonder, ‘Where is it coming from?’ ” said Rogers, who signed with aggy in 1982 and left after sitting out the 1983 season on a disciplinary suspension. “I just blew money all the time. I partied a lot.” Kathy Jackson, a former athletic department tutor at the university, was quoted as saying: “They had a very organized system for a player being paid. According to his ability, he would be assigned a sugar daddy. They would always joke about it: ‘My sugar daddy is richer than your sugar daddy.’ ” Southwest Conference President Dr. Michael Johnson said Saturday that any collegiate athlete caught accepting money or other inducements from boosters should be considered a professional and ineligible to compete at any NCAA school. Johnson declined to comment on the Times Herald story but said he believed that legislation slated for proposal to the NCAA convention next month concerning the responsibility of athletes in recruiting violation cases was not strong enough. The Times Herald said that two current players, sophomore quarterback Kevin Murray and freshman linebacker Aaron Wallace, were driving late-model cars leased by sports agents or owned by boosters. The alleged infractions, which included car deals, signing bonuses, weekly allowances and big payoffs for the sale of players’ game tickets, occurred during the tenures of Jackie Sherrill, the school’s football coach and athletic director since 1982, and former coach Tom Wilson. Wilson, who coached from 1978 to 1981, would not comment. Sherrill told the Times Herald that he had no knowledge of violations and that a partly completed in-house investigation had revealed no improprieties. The Southwest Conference has been overwhelmed by NCAA scrutiny in recent years. Southern Methodist is currently serving the stiffest football-related penalty handed out by the NCAA. Baylor is under investigation for alleged payments made to a basketball player, and Texas Christian football Coach Jim Wacker suspended seven players from his team this year for taking money from alumni. In interviews with more than 40 recent players and other sources, the newspaper uncovered a payoff system that matched “sugar daddies” with players they allegedly paid off. Two players, Rogers and Cal Peveto of Vidor, said they were given large amounts of cash from Couch. Rogers said he received $5,000 from Couch as a high school junior in 1981 and another large, unspecified amount after signing a letter of intent with aggy in 1982. Rogers further alleged that Couch paid him a weekly allowance of up to $500 during his two years at the university. Couch, 36, a senior vice president at Capital Bank in Dallas, denied giving money to either player. Former players also alleged they were given money by coaches, who sometimes handed over hundreds of dollars. Players who performed well in a game would return to the locker room to find envelopes stuffed with hundreds of dollars slipped anonymously into their lockers and shoes or under doors in the athletic dormitory, the story said. One former player, who asked not to be identified, said he received small amounts of cash from a hometown booster before and during his career at aggy. “Just about every one of the starters had their alumni,” he was quoted as saying. “I had an alum. . . . He’d give me $50 here and there.” The Times Herald further said that Sherrill is directing a “cover-up” of information about his players and has restricted access to them while potential NCAA violations are being investigated. Sherrill, in a statement issued in response to inquiries from the Associated Press Saturday, denied any cover-up and said he simply was trying to shield his players from “harassment” by the newspaper. The newspaper said that Sherrill had most of his players sign secrecy requests that aggy officials have used to withhold otherwise public information about the players’ cars. The Times Herald said the secrecy forms were passed out after it made a request under the state open records law for documents about vehicle registrations previously ruled public records by the Texas attorney general. The newspaper said that Sherrill also ordered in late October that players’ telephone numbers be kept secret. Some players also told the paper that Sherrill ordered them not to talk with some newspaper reporters. Sherrill told the Associated Press that he gave players the option of signing secrecy forms and had their phone numbers withheld to shield them during their successful Southwest Conference championship drive. “We simply decided to combat the paper’s disruptive tactics--harassment is probably not too strong a term--by the only means available to us,” Sherrill said. “And that was to limit our contact with its abusive reporters and protect the players to the best of our ability so that they could concentrate on their studies and preparations for games.” The newspaper said it asked to review vehicle registration records after reports of potential violations of NCAA regulations. According to earlier published reports, an Aggie booster from Dallas, Ronald Dockery, provided a car to quarterback Murray in violation of NCAA rules. Murray, of Dallas, has said he was offered cars and other improper inducements while being recruited by aggy, SMU, TCU and Oklahoma. Dockery and coaches at all four institutions have denied any impropriety. But aggy officials have asked the Southwest Conference and NCAA to investigate the allegations concerning Murray’s recruitment and the car, the newspaper said. NCAA officials also plan to investigate the accusations involving aggy and the other three schools, the Times Herald said. aggy is conducting an internal investigation that school officials said will review its football recruiting in general. The newspaper said that Sherrill had his players sign secrecy forms during practice session shortly after the school received the Times Herald’s formal request for car registrations. On Oct. 22, the same week the secrecy forms were passed out, Sherrill issued a directive ordering the school’s telephone operator to withhold players’ numbers. “As of today, do not give out any numbers of the athletes that live in the C-Wing (the football team wing) of Cain Dorm, per Coach Sherrill,” the directive said. Sherrill said Saturday that he felt so confident that the school’s athletic program was “in good shape” that he might tell university officials to “limit the extent of our investigation.” “If all the Times Herald could find is what they confronted me with, then the paper has essentially substantiated what we already know--that our program is in good shape,” Sherrill said. But Sherrill added that a coach at any major college would be foolish to make a blanket statement that its program was completely clean. “When anyone is involved with hundreds of young people and thousands of alumni, you’d have to be stupid to say categorically that nothing irregular ever took place,” he said, “just as you’d be stupid to say so about a large corporation, a charitable organization or perhaps even a church.”
  19. narrator: for the kids here... the gulf of tonkin was one of the Top 5 false flag ops in the 20th century; joe bob says check it out
  20. with fines for every turnover tipped pass picked? $100k fumbled snap? $100k pick 6? $250k & every incompletion is $10k
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