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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. southwest can schedule around dal to avoid an irrop pileup and recover fairly quickly - but i haven't looked at what they are dealing with from the midwest over the weekend american at dfw? almost guaranteed multi-day melt to catch up i would avoid any air travel departing before sunday any where east of the rockies
  2. i saw that when it happened - i thought he wanted to get off camera so he could see the play that was about to snap
  3. one of these teams should troll aggy and offer to travel to pyle to play for free
  4. i'm in austin right now and the local weather teams are competing for the 3rd-world situational awareness trophy in US broadcasting my god they have remained dumbed down to a level that was surprising even in the 80s in comparison to dallas or houston they spend 5 minutes on the game and talk about "arlington" and "i35" "again" right after they spend 5 minutes on a winter weather fearfest that cuts off at the north edge of williamson county i don't expect the dfw or houston weather teams to contemplate i35/i45 travel on thursday and friday but i sure as fuck expect the austin stations to do so for i35 trying to piece together what each of them are thinking and how it stitches together from south to north is a pain in the ass
  5. everything is going to melt by 3pm travel within the metroplex is going to be normal it's getting TO the metroplex that is the problem
  6. the weather gods are not cooperating with the tailgate the wishcast: somehow i35 stays clear or melts in plenty of time for a 10am austin departure to encounter unfrozen (but still wet) roads to the tailgate for a 2pm or 3pm arrival the forecast: i35 is still receiving winter precip at 10am north of hillsboro that doesn't melt until noon or 1pm such that a tailgate arrival with any time to spend at the tailgate event makes the walk to the stadium and ingress process pushing butts in seats until the 2nd quarter
  7. monday 6pm tl/dr 100% certainty of attendance with lowest possible stress by absorbing the extra cost of arriving wednesday any travel air or ground thursday through friday noon is a crapshoot leaving austin or houston at 10am on friday is a crapshoot but likely gets you to the deathstar by 5pm - if you don't die on the road
  8. thursday flights to dal or dfw are going to bust friday flights to dal or dfw are going to effected by the irrops from thursday it's all a crapshoot after 10pm wednesday night
  9. will there be any frozen precip on the ground or streets around dal at 1p on friday? probably not will LUV have their shit together and have no irrop pileup from the previous 36 hours? faafo
  10. bad news kxas has shifted in to more agreement with the kxan modeling the line of fuckery could shift east of i35 - or not but more importantly, the line of sleet & freezing rain mix is going to be ~100 miles wide north-to-south and run from waco to shreveport this is the kxas picture at 9am friday sorry for the shading - unavoidable when you pause the video the damage will have already been done all day thursday and thursday night overnight mixed precip will have fallen and frozen on both i35 and i45 south of dallas wednesday remains wide open don't try to drive thursday or thursday night friday is a crapshoot to get to the game on time from austin or houston
  11. it's not all season uga1 (27/29/0) uga2 (28/31/0) asu (30/53/1) just those 3 16 days ago we rolled clemson for 292 & 4 tds 3 weeks before that was 250 against aggy vandy (104) & pig (139) were the other 'concerning' games the run game sucking "all season" is another recency bias
  12. the actual winter precip location may change but right now 281 is not a cunning plan on thursday or friday
  13. trusty scores his 1st for celtic:
  14. green brigade ultras with their chant for ccv & trusty:
  15. 1205pm monday the good news: the dfw metroplex has 80000+ hotel rooms so flexing in to an earlier or later arrival should be easy, because the property you are booked at knows you can cancel now and go somewhere else easily the fosu diaspora: it's still snowing in the ohio valley but will stop before sunset today (tuesday); it's all snow west of the appalaichan foothills line to the east of lexington to columbus; tomorrow morning (tuesday) as soon as they know I-71 is clear they will head south making for nashville or memphis with a plan to get to the metroplex wednesday afternoon evening - this is important for anyone from our tribe that is going to flex in to a wednesday arrival ahead of schedule - change your reservation ASAP this afternoon and plan on getting in even earlier to avoid the fosu hordes - there will be 20k-30k rooms taken by this horde, at least half checking in wednesday starting late afternoon - don't get caught up in the middle of the horde checking in - that number could go up as many decide the risk of trying to fly on thursday is not worth it - the risk being dfw & dal getting turbofucked monday noon assessment is based on this video from kxas fort worth who i trust more than any other weather department in dfw: https://www.nbcdfw.com/video-weather/nbc-5-forecast-a-cold-weather-advisory-for-monday-morning/3733677/ WEDNESDAY the winter precip flows in from the southwest possibly arriving in austin & waco by 11pm, thus 3pm departures from san antonio, austin or houston will get to dfw with no issues THURSDAY over the 36 hours from 11pm wednesday night the line of winter precip shows running from west of I35 up to somewhere around the split and then east as far south as palestine overnight FRIDAY weather channel thinks dfw high will be 38; obviously the further south the faster it gets above freezing - but it's supposed to be overcast - no sun thermal to accelerate the melt; kickoff is at 630pm; deathstar park-N-hike plus ingress requires a 5pm arrival; driving from either austin or houston is likely 90% going to work if you leave at 10am and take your time with someone monitoring the advance of the melt line in front of you kxan austin thinks the freezing line will be further south fucking everything on a line from austin to east texas along and to the north of 21 and 105, with a batch of ice north and east of conroe/huntsville; if they are right, driving up friday becomes risky both safety and arrival time we'll see what they both say at 6pm-ish
  16. but but but NIGHT GAMESES!!!!
  17. we should set the record straight on claimed national titles re: your winsipedia graphic first, the horns, with our 4 "claimed" titles 63 unanimous: ap & upi 69 unanimous: ap & upi 70 split: ap #3 & upi #1 05: unanimous: bcs #1, ap #1 & upi #1 verdict: integrity next, fosu, with their 8 "claimed" titles 42 "unanimous"* ap#1 (*upi started in 1950) 54 split: ap #1 & upi #2 57 split: ap #2 & upi #1 61 jk/lol: ap #2 & upi #2 -- fosu administration REJECTED a rose bowl invitation then used that as their excuse to claim the national title without a #1 finish in either poll 68 unanimous: ap #1 & upi #1 70 jk/lol: ap #5 & upi #2 -- get the fuck out of here with this shit 02 unanimous: bcs #1, ap #1 & upi #1 14 unanimous: cfp #1, ap #1 & upi #! verdict: just a little duplicitous of note, tossing the wartime 42 title that was AP-only prior to the start of the UPI/Coaches poll in 50, fosu and The University both have 3 unanimous titles fosu still has more titles than Texas, but fosu also has aggy-level blemishes when you inspect the data in their "8" claimed titles
  18. planted by humans they do not naturally occur outside of the sonoran desert
  19. the pat persona excuse manifesto on their bowl defecation requires extremely advanced bas training the picture used for the pat persona is of an individual that has no credentials indicating it went through fishcamp which is the prerequisite for all further advanced aggymanchurian programming of any kind moving direct to postulates and arguments that simply ignore our existence? bold strategy cotton using arguments directly opposite of the truth? ditto furthermore, aggy cried wailed and threw a tantrum every time the natural match for their bowl game was a former conference mate, including ducking us 3 times in the last 12 years, resulting in aggy frequently matching up against 6-6 teams that still win, or down-market teams like wake forest who (checks notes)..... oops, sorry, aggy won that game because it wasn't played and the worst reality distortion in history is the situations of the aggy and usc rosters a week ago last night.... and no mention of the usc roster situation by the pat persona i continue to challenge the aggy 247 crew to produce the pat persona on youtube or a podcast for an ama i would love to challenge the pat persona to a real-time verification of it's aggy credentials and programming
  20. rainey talk belongs in the nicole forum
  21. i don't tweet someone who does, please light up these asshole sonsobitches it's 2025 this level of stupidity should be grounds for sanctions for lack of institutional control - failure to demonstrate a basic level of education and intelligence the closest saguaro cactus to austin or dallas is east of hermosillo in the sonoran desert, 660 miles west of austin, 730 miles southwest of the deathstar
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