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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. holy batconunudrum i hadn't thought of that that would be beautiful and increase the entertainment in pat's sec ranking this week
  2. if that's a legal formation,, then 2 missouri scores that were called back should not have been
  3. the 1906 SF earthquake official body count was 500 but was actually more than 3000, so more than '9/11' if there were 800 missing and 150ish bodies it stands to reason the rest are no longer with us
  4. raging over the douche lake lure fire official
  5. cougar high recovers a roach fumble up 2 scores victory formation time suck it sonny!!!!!!!!!! another thoroughly enjoyable result
  6. the SarkCopter appeared tonight at courville stadium in galveston all attribution to @Zeus;
  7. did you get a tail number on the sarkcopter?
  8. you'll never get a coalition united to kick out hezbollah: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Lebanon
  9. sanity check: tom herman IS still employed by florida atlantic this is how this video ends: +++ so, what did we learn? space is hard rocket science is hard being an astronaut is hard and money makes the world go round
  10. brunette on the right is an 11 on the nigel tuffnall volume knob
  11. and while we are on the subject of titles, with a bye this weekend, this article discussing the 1970 conundrum is worth the time: https://scorum.com/en-us/ncaa/@sportsguychris/the-conundrum-of-selecting-the-1970-ncaa-football-national-champion
  12. someone who tweets please remind emma that 2005 - was NOT our FIRST national championship - was in fact our THIRD UNDISPUTED national title
  13. we have had several of these crack of dawn wake up the entire state for no fucking reason alerts and they have all come from way west of the I-35 corridor this feels like a gubbermint geofence implementation problem also, if your phone is on silent, you get the "message" but without the F5 warning squawk i put my phone on silent when i crash if i miss the alert on the inbound russian nukes, i die in my sleep if i miss the 10km asteroid we somehow missed (don't look up!) i get a few more minutes of sleep before i die everyone else can wait until coffee
  14. if anyone hasn't figured it out, israel has the largest drone force on the planet, with sigint capability beyond anything *deployed* by the us team they fly every night and could probably do things such as record every conversation they want to record in any structure that is not hardened against EM signal propagation; build a 3-d heat map of any building they are interested in; even refine the IR signature of individuals they are interested in remember the below video?
  15. i hate the phillies and the iggles go mets i like the padres, but @MaxHorn has personal ties to the dodgers so as a bff i have kind of adopted them as my NL team go dodgers
  16. mlb needs to cut 6 games from the regular season and to to best of 5
  17. https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2024/10/03/helene-asheville-north-carolina-flooding-live-updates-recovery-thursday/75488721007/
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