"What you don’t want to do is get to a point where you’re asking Texas ‘who you want your rival to be? Oklahoma or Texas A&M?’ I’m hopeful that we can get there but I want this game played every year."
We're already there. The idea that aggy can cause the question to be asked is part of their delusional worldview where they perceive themselves to have agency in a matter above, outside and beyond their control, influence or understanding.
Here's our terms, Trev. They are not negotiable. You will agree to these terms in total, in writing, publicly, verbatim, signed by John Sharpe and sealed with the shit of his talkiebirds.
1. Release Looch from bondage and end the information embargo. You are ruining our clickity-clack, which is the only thing of value we get in return for the 1/3rd AUF payment.
2. All Burnt Orange tickets to games at pyle, whenever they are played, are in the northwest half of the stadium. For as long as pyle stands. At least the northwest half.
3. Regardless of 8 or 9 league games, you cancel all d2 contracts for future games after '24, and state in writing that aggy will never schedule a d2 cupcake ever again.
4. aggy will play an OOC road game against D1 opposition every year. NEUTRAL SITES DO NOT COUNT. aggy must visit the home stadium of a d1 OOC opponent EVERY YEAR.
5. Full, anal, financial transparency. You will enable and allow the best forensic auditors to crawl up your ass and die. Your chart of accounts, all instruments, transactions, debits, credits, payments and receipts. All of it. Filed monthly with Deloitte. And paid for with a permanent engagement garnished from your AUF payment.
6. While we are on the subject, you will name Deloitte as the manager and auditor of all AUF disbursements.
7. In summary, as a public institution, we get to see where you spend our money.
8. Immediate removal of all aggy branding from all institutions funded by the taxpayers of the State of Texas, including the State Forest Service and the Division of Emergency Management.
9. Within 5 years, all aggy infesting TxDoT will be granted other employment on the state dole. We don't care what the fuck they do, but get them the fuck away from our roads.
10. Within 5 years, aggy will institute admission standards. Any.
11. aggy will create and maintain forever female cheer and pom squads for football. The fastest way to rehabilitate your culture is to show the world that you actually do have some quality ass on campus.
12. And finally, while on the subject of your campus, water your fucking grass, you dipshits.