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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. i had never contemplated ctj's point that not all portal dollars are created equal if that postulate continues to play out then an 'aggy-premium' coefficient will be identified... how much extra do they have to pay a kid to play for them DESPITE all of their self-declared assets? they would better off casting a wide net across the 3A/4A landscape - go for quantity - $100k/year means a hell of a lot more to a family in a small town because if spent locally that's actual economic impact - get the kids who would actually appreciate "belonging" to the cult
  2. Has Trev's "protection" team identified what their cut should be?
  3. it's like their dipshit blonde on the panel show - "they have all the money"
  4. it is it's aggbrilliant everyone up in here has spent a long long time trying to get in to the headspace of these fucks and it's frightening that, at least for me, despite the fallacy of false association, how A+B = C + D for them "we sucked with our studs so they will with theirs" is pure 000
  5. the last 3 weeks of copium has revealed several primary themes they are trying to settle on for the click-clack "aggy are in a nice spot" - no one knows what the fuck that means, but it's reverberating in their echochamber, and it's a safe talking point during the embargo they are in WIN NOW crisis mode - before elk coaches his first game - i can't remember this level of desperation from any team's base, in any sport, at any level, in my life there are others but those 2 stand out to me conversely, they seem to be catching on to and ratcheting back their bitching about the incongruence between: - they're schedule is easy, but not fixed - our schedue is easy, but totally fixed - we were a playoff team that sucked - sec bigboy grind - we lost ERRBODY but despite all of the above we are somehow preseason #4
  6. they are always 2nd and *JUST BARELY* lose out - they are always ahead of *EVERYONE ELSE* that was in for the kid - they are always *THE VICTIM OF FOUL PLAY* that caused the kid to sign with whoever - the ministry, olin, aggypat, they all use this formula to fill column inches that are guzzled by the sheep
  7. we've covered this before but the full timeline goes something like this: they cried when we tried to go the pac without them ('91?) they cried when we tried to protect them by negotiating on their behalf to take them west with us ('05-'06) they cried when we tried to share HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on a network with JUST THE 2 OF US the prior 2 were their justification for trying to destroy the rig12 on their way out they cried when they moved out and we wouldn't agree to continue fucking at their convenience and at our cost, i.e. the buyout of 9 OOC games already under contract (notice once again how good they are at spending our money) they cried to the lege about it, with the idea that the state could mandate the game or it would affect funding..... wait, wut? yeah, that one died in 48 hours once the realized they were risking exposing the Texas Constitutional Reality that they're officially little brother: "if you don't fuck us, we're going to refuse the AUF payments".... yeah, that one was full aggy they cried when cdc got here and said, "okay, we've cleared the OOC hurdles for the most part, let's calendar some games" they cried like stuck pigs and wounded hyenas when the rest of their league sat silent while they wailed about their gentlemen's agreement, which it turns out they made with themselves they cried about SITTING BIGBOY NATTYHOLDERS failing utterly and totally, which they have managed to erase, once again, WITH OUR MONEY what will tomorrow bring? we wait with baited breath, as the aggy turns
  8. Are we sure this person (prounoun/pronoun) is actually real and not an AI-generated construct?
  9. "What you don’t want to do is get to a point where you’re asking Texas ‘who you want your rival to be? Oklahoma or Texas A&M?’ I’m hopeful that we can get there but I want this game played every year." We're already there. The idea that aggy can cause the question to be asked is part of their delusional worldview where they perceive themselves to have agency in a matter above, outside and beyond their control, influence or understanding. Here's our terms, Trev. They are not negotiable. You will agree to these terms in total, in writing, publicly, verbatim, signed by John Sharpe and sealed with the shit of his talkiebirds. 1. Release Looch from bondage and end the information embargo. You are ruining our clickity-clack, which is the only thing of value we get in return for the 1/3rd AUF payment. 2. All Burnt Orange tickets to games at pyle, whenever they are played, are in the northwest half of the stadium. For as long as pyle stands. At least the northwest half. 3. Regardless of 8 or 9 league games, you cancel all d2 contracts for future games after '24, and state in writing that aggy will never schedule a d2 cupcake ever again. 4. aggy will play an OOC road game against D1 opposition every year. NEUTRAL SITES DO NOT COUNT. aggy must visit the home stadium of a d1 OOC opponent EVERY YEAR. 5. Full, anal, financial transparency. You will enable and allow the best forensic auditors to crawl up your ass and die. Your chart of accounts, all instruments, transactions, debits, credits, payments and receipts. All of it. Filed monthly with Deloitte. And paid for with a permanent engagement garnished from your AUF payment. 6. While we are on the subject, you will name Deloitte as the manager and auditor of all AUF disbursements. 7. In summary, as a public institution, we get to see where you spend our money. 8. Immediate removal of all aggy branding from all institutions funded by the taxpayers of the State of Texas, including the State Forest Service and the Division of Emergency Management. 9. Within 5 years, all aggy infesting TxDoT will be granted other employment on the state dole. We don't care what the fuck they do, but get them the fuck away from our roads. 10. Within 5 years, aggy will institute admission standards. Any. 11. aggy will create and maintain forever female cheer and pom squads for football. The fastest way to rehabilitate your culture is to show the world that you actually do have some quality ass on campus. 12. And finally, while on the subject of your campus, water your fucking grass, you dipshits.
  10. can someone please post the plaintext
  11. i don't make it to many games, but when i do, my gameday kit is TUCKER 19
  12. see my pm reply bbc says you break clear at 7am tomorrow it's going to be a glorious day, possibly up to 3 days
  13. welp, 4 days on and not a fucking word from local or national media nothing to see here move along move along
  14. Ninetyninethousandpercent of our fellow citizens have NO IDEA what's going on 8 years ago when Stone released Snowden i thought the citizenry would wake up, just a little zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz time for football! (nttawrt)
  15. it's real to me, dammit and it makes aggy feel REAL BAD 27-25 shuts them up the myth causes them to look down and walk away
  16. with sherm's nfl line, johnny jizzjar and evans......
  17. is that league only or overall records including all OOC thus all of div2 layups such as appstate
  18. pom will not be happy with chi-o horning in on their turf back in the 80s it was chi-o, chi-o, it's off to bed we go.....
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