Great feedback and suggestions. I probably should have qualified this more. Needs are pretty mixed and varied. Oldest son is a fishing machine and can be on the water all day. Dude just did a two day paddle into a headwind on the Devils River with me and didn't miss a beat while outfishing me. My middle son is special needs. Good mobility, but wouldn't fish, and would probably tolerate the boat for an hour max. My daughter's too young to really get a feel for her fishing interest long-term, but I'm guessing she can take it or leave it. Wife loves to fish, but would only be able to do so when we have respite or family in town to watch my middle son. Personally, I'd wade fish over anything else. But, I'd probably take clients and employees down there a few times a year. I'm doing that right now, but it's almost always with a guide. I'd say 40% with my just my oldest son wading or drifting with artificials, 10% with my whole family except the middle son soaking bait, 10% with all five of us just cruising, 10% solo wade fishing and the remaining 30% with guests as a mixed bag depending on their interest and skill.
I'm originally from Corpus, and still have a ton of family down there. Most of my family that fish run Majeks. Johnny Majek was a friend of my grandfather, so that may be somewhat sentimental. My business partner and another buddy have Haynies and love them. So, I really do need something that runs skinny but can take chop like @fattyflattie mentioned. Needs to have sides for sure. @Handcruser, that Robalo looks sweet, but I think the open bow and shallow draft are going to be must-haves for me.