We rolled straight from our winter garden into our spring garden. I'm actually waiting for a few winter crops to finish playing out so I can get my last few spring items in the ground (cucumbers, squash, zucchini). This is also the first year that I'm planting tomatoes in three runs about 3-4 weeks apart. I'm hoping to get a longer total yield time throughout the spring and summer instead of a month of more tomatoes than we can eat.
I just pulled up the last of the lettuce, kale, spinach and collard greens. I pulled up the rest of the carrots a few weeks ago. They were amazing. We had probably 60 lb total produced. Strawberries are going strong, and we're getting bout 50-80 twice a week. That strawberry plant is a holdover from last year. Never died off in the summer or the winter, and just started producing again. Tried artichokes for the first time, and we're getting a few. I just don't know if I'll do them again, because they take up a ton of space without much production. We still have garlic, shallots and onions awaiting harvest soon. Potatoes are going strong, and first round of tomatoes are a few weeks away from producing. Also starting to see seedlings pop up for cantaloupe, watermelon and green beans. Gonna be a good year for the garden.