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Certifiably Surly
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19854 Surly 1%

About Pescado_Rojo

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  1. Or Chris Farley's drug dealer...
  2. "Yes Mr Rojo, I understand you paid $8,000 for Business Class. But since AUS-JFK is now 1hr and 50 minutes, please enjoy your bag of puffed chickpeas and coke Zero"
  3. Wait until some gravy seal gets hurt on the job and thinks he's going to get workman's comp.
  4. I replaced my ex-wife's with Bilsteins all the way around for around a grand (pre-2020) and she said it was a better ride.
  5. you'll always have the herpes to remember her by...
  6. maybe it's actually an industrial sized blood sugar monitor?
  7. "Here's what America's turn to fascism has taught me about B2B sales!"
  8. Wait, are you saying the death of Tik Tok put an end to master baiters? I knew it!!
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