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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. "Guys, how are we in the 3rd quarter?! Is this a replay from an earlier game? I looked down at my phone on the first commercial after kickoff, and now it says 3rd qtr!"
  2. if they lose by less than 4 points that kid is gonna have to transfer to Ole Miss.
  3. His best physical attribute may be his ability to stay on his feet long enough for his o-line to show up and push him 5 yards down the field in a 5 on 3 scrum.
  4. cry more you salty little bitch!
  5. They gave them several generous spots. One was so bad I had to rewind and look at the major yard markers to confirm they gave them an extra 4 (!) yards on the spot.
  6. There was another spot I think on the same drive where we tackled the ball carrier at like the 37 yard line and they spotted the ball at the 41. I feel like the CFP was so desperate for an upset after Boise lost they pulled out all the stops to keep ASU in the game.
  7. No way, dude. It's totally normal for a QB to scramble around, change direction 3 times, and keep a play alive for 10 seconds without a single hold on his offensive line.
  8. He also didn't know where he was. Probably doesn't remember he played a game yesterday
  9. 100% concussed. NCAA should investigate the ASU medical staff.
  10. Just rewatched season 1 as a refresher for season 2. Prime says Jan 12th for season 2. I assume they will get individual episodes as they air in the UK this time around.
  11. bet he never forgets the blower again
  12. Been an expensive year to be a Longhorn fan. Ann Arbor, @aggy, SEC championship, and still going
  13. Best thing about this run is the first tackler pulled his ball arm and he didn’t cough it up.
  14. This place was so bad my girlfriend walked to the Nordstrom’s at halftime to do some Christmas shopping. We’re lucky she wasn’t abducted by a poor in a leased 3 series
  15. This place is 80%+ Texas fans. Easily over 100 people. My waitress has a great rack, the beer is cold, and my turkey club hasn’t killed me yet.
  16. Got a reservation, thanks. As long as they have the game I don’t care
  17. In Phoenix with my girlfriend visiting her family. The sports bar they recommended is home to “Steeler Nation” and the Steelers game is the same time as ours. I called and they wouldn’t guarantee our game, so looking for a new spot. We’re staying in Tempe, but willing to drive.
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