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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Yea, we had lots of warning for that one. I recall weather guys circling the beginning of the vortex weeks out and saying it could be the strongest in years and would likely affect us.
  2. Seems like there's been some coordinated disinfo on social media since the hurricane. Most of it is of the "Stop sending money to Ukraine and use it for hurricane relief" false choice variety. Assuming most (all) of it is Russian bots, it's interesting to see which republicans are running with it.
  3. and the politicians that allowed and benefited from it.
  4. Two elderly white rednecks smashing a Taylor autographed guitar probably got another 1,000 women registered to vote
  5. Falcon looks like someone just pulled the pillow case off his head and he's staring at a camcorder on a tripod surrounded by dudes with machetes.
  6. Every accusation part eleventy billion. Trump would 100% slow roll aid to a blue state.
  7. I was at the game and to me it looked like he held the ball too long quite a few times. That's one of the areas where I think Quinn is significantly better right now. The other is Arch seems to be waiting for guys to get open and Quinn is very good at throwing guys open and/or throwing the ball accurately into much tighter windows.
  8. He looks like he steals catalytic converters and knows exactly how much Sudafed you can buy at one time.
  9. Yea, Milroe had his "Heisman Moment" last night.
  10. I hope they don’t do those surgeries in the same room where they keep the litter boxes for the furries
  11. Pescado_Rojo


    Everyone I know that's fucked with D8 says it made them paranoid and was a generally unpleasant buzz. I've been using the D9 gummies that SimonBolivar recommended upthread for years with no issues. It's a fun buzz, I sleep like a baby, and no hangover besides a little dry mouth that goes away with my first sip of water. My alcohol consumption has dropped to almost zero in the same time frame fwiw.
  12. Pescado_Rojo


    Seconded, and I buy the mango version of the same gummies.
  13. Yes, but Europe is much bigger than those countries. I was thinking in terms of Western Europe, but your point is taken.
  14. I think there's also a chance some of our European allies are thumping their chests publicly while privately telling the Biden administration they would prefer not to risk escalation, as they would likely feel the brunt of it.
  15. Poland is the very definition of wishing a motherfucker would.
  16. Obviously the best thing would be to flip Texas, but maybe the second best thing would be for Texas to become a Republican vote sink. If a bunch of blue collar midwestern types move here to work in the oil patch or related industries, it might relieve some pressure from the blue wall states, and swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
  17. Got home last night from touring Arkansas with my son and I think they're the leader in the clubhouse. He's a very outdoorsy kid, so we drove up to Flippin Saturday and stayed at White River Trout Club and fished with an awesome younger guide Sunday. The drive from Flippin to Fayetteville is beautiful but aggravating with the slow-ass Arkies on two lane roads. It was cloudy but low 70s yesterday, which was awesome with all the walking. They do a great job with the tours with the personalized itinerary packets, free t shits, stickers, etc. I think 5 of our 6 tour guides were Texas kids. We toured the rec building, general campus tour, and the School of Engineering, then had the admissions presentation. With his GPA and test scores, it's got to be one of the best education values in the country. I love how they lean into the outdoor opportunities as part of the college experience there. They've even got a mini outfitter in the Rec center where you can check out gear like sleeping bags and tents, rock climbing gear etc for free. You can even rent nice full suspension mountain bikes for $10/day. We've still got CU and CSU next month, but unless they throw money at him I'd bet he ends up at UA.
  18. Plus the manilla folder full of service records he keeps in the file cabinet in the guest bedroom closet.
  19. Every. Fucking. Day. Usually followed by "Why do I like nice things so much?!. Sigh..."
  20. I went to work for a small software company that got acquired by a larger company about 6 months after I started. 6 months later, THAT company got acquired by a PE firm that owned some other software companies and planned to roll them up into one company. It was a shit show. Several of the companies competed in the same space, so there were all sorts of turf wars and pissing matches. Finally the PE board paid a bunch of people to go away and brought in their own management team, including VP of sales. We had a big QBR and he stands up and tells all of us we have a "Get out of jail free card" to clean up SFDC. Get all the trash out of there by next Friday so we can get a legit idea of pipeline. Two weeks later, we're on an all hands call where he tells us all pipeline is shit and every rep needs to add 5 deals to SFDC by the end of the week. Then he quit two weeks after that.
  21. amazing they could get that close to the border with the waves of ms13 rapists coming across.
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