When the ex and I were first married (early 2000's), we went up to Hartley for Christmas to visit her grandparents. Her Aunt was the school secretary (K-12 in one building) and was lamenting that they would probably be closing down the school district soon, and all the remaining kids in Hartley would have to bus to Dalhart. She was upset because she and her husband were nowhere near ready for retirement, and she would have to find a new job in Dalhart. The grocery store and all the other mom & pop business were in the same boat. Just hanging on by a thread. Then "Big Dairy" moved in. (Farmers die and their kids sell out because they don't want to farm in a dying town) Fast forward 15 years, and the last time I saw her Aunt before my divorce, the school was busting at the seams and they were talking about adding portables. They couldn't hire teachers fast enough, and all the local businesses were doing well. There were even a few new restaurants in town. Was she happy about keeping her job and the town getting a new lease on life? Of course not. She was lamenting how it was "ruined" because she had to hear Spanish at the grocery store.