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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. My 2017 Tundra is the best vehicle I've ever owned and I plan to keep it a long, long time. If it got totaled today, I'd probably replace it with the newest 200 series LC I could find or the lowest mileage V8 Tundra.
  2. This seems like a "When one door closes another door opens" kinda deal for ATACMS.
  3. dude, do you know how hard it is to stand out from all the other 5'7" losers on "The Right Stuff"?
  4. shit, I'm going to need to improve my wardrobe.
  5. I've driven over this bridge a few hundred times in my life. Does that make me gay?
  6. fuck what you're talking about. Signed, October '69
  7. It's financed for 84 months at 11.9% APR. He uses it to haul his laptop back and forth from his house in Katy to his office in the woodlands.
  8. It really does seem like Tim Walz calling them weird caused the fever to break for some of them.
  9. Thursday Post-Happy Hour Cloak Room is best Cloak Room.
  10. Me in my living room if Bey and Tay come out and do a mashup of Crazy in Love and Shake it Off
  11. "If you're explaining, you're losing - Abraham Lincoln" -- Michael Scott
  12. Colin Allred is what happens when you order your Wes Moore from Wish.
  13. Same. This dude looks like he could beat Ben Shapiro to death with Nick Fuentes.
  14. Red Foxx was 49 years old when Sanford & Son premiered….5 years younger than I am now…
  15. "Trickle Down" was a good sound bite from folksy Ronald Reagan. Then I took economics in high school, and learned there was a demand side of the equation. Then I took macro and micro in college, and thought "that's some simple-jack shit that won't work". Then in the 2000s and 2010s, we got to watch all the up and comer Republican governors with presidential aspirations try it and fail, and finally we watched what corporations did when they got a tax break. (Narrator: They paid huge bonuses to executives and bought back stock while laying off front line employees) With their economic policies a proven failure, they leaned into the culture war. Then Rush made it cool to be an asshole, and they just kept getting weirder.
  16. @Brisketexan and I were discussing this over beers one night...MLB Clubhouses have to be the oddest place in American professional sports. Over here, you've got Bryce, Chaz, and Braxton, who grew up upper middle-class, played travel ball non-stop from 2nd grade on, had a new $600 bat every year, a gear bag with your name and number embroidered on it, took private lessons 3 nights a week, etc. Over there, you've got Juan and Pedro, who grew up hitting washers shot out of a slingshot with a piece of PVC pipe they found in an alley, playing barefoot in a field, and using a piece of old car tire for a glove.
  17. Hasn’t even said she’s a good mom even though she’s not white
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