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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Who's the "Elect more women" woman? Asking for a friend.
  2. Don't blame me, I voted for Roland Gutierrez
  3. How could he stick his hand out when he's constantly texting me for more money?
  4. They have a math problem, though. Without the loonies they will be out of power nationally for a decade at least. That's why they embraced them in the first place. Assume the real deal MAGA loonies are 20% of Republican voters...if they stay home there's no path to victory. It's why they're selling out so hard on the anti-democratic stuff now. They're like a sports team at the end of a championship roster window.
  5. Did he ask her her thoughts on her own PAC abandoning her and endorsing Harris?
  6. The real pull there would be "Alternative Ending" Civil War movies. I wonder if we could buy the "Build The Wall" mailing list from Bannon. He probably needs the money, and those would be the easiest people to fleece.
  7. A Russian with a serious alcohol problem? I don't believe you.
  8. This. If you have at least Platinum status and a club membership you will usually get taken care of pretty quickly. Sometimes shit's just borked, but it's pretty rare. A modicum of patience and a smile go a long way, too.
  9. It appears I owe apologies to the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia.
  10. I don't think so, but there sure are a lot of assholes moving to Centex, so maybe?
  11. SW Georgetown. I'm giving money to Jennie Birkholz, but I don't have high hopes.
  12. It's not the whole US, it's Muslim voters in Michigan...a very important swing state.
  13. Are we neighbors? I've been Talarico's biggest cheerleader on this board for a while, and yea...it sucks to go from him to Caroline Harris.
  14. Democrat presidents are the best thing to happen to the gun industry. Every time it looks like a Democrat is going to win, they start up the "hEez GonnA tAke ur GuNz!!" and the price of an AR jumps 20%
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