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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. It matches his Molon Labe sticker on the passenger side.
  2. Let's not forget this woman's rise in the alt-right began with her following around and heckling school shooting survivors.
  3. And the employee discount could come in handy.
  4. "Brain worms? He been swimmin in the stock tanks? You know that happened to Jimmy and Darline's boy Maverick last summer. They had to take him to the big hospital over in Brownwood and he was innair for 3 weeks! He's fine now, except for a little twitch in his right eye. But that could be from when he hit that tree on his 3-wheeler."
  5. As wet as it is now, that 3" would pretty much all run off. Fingers crossed.
  6. This. At this point a vote for anyone but Joe Biden might as well be a vote for Trump. We gotta fix this femoral artery laceration before we worry about the broken leg. (Yes, I know he's not running for President this year, but this applies to any of these third party fringe guys)
  7. I know some great carp spots on Buchanan once the level rises. Like fishing tailing reds on a flood tide.
  8. Buy a few drones from Ukraine and solve the problem as soon as they find it.
  9. degrade air defense, then launch a combined Storm Shadow/ ATACMS strike on the bridge?
  10. What's left in the wreath fund? These amazon goggles are $20 for a 2 pack. We could order a bunch and send someone down to campus to pass them out.
  11. The American people love ricocheting off guardrails.
  12. I've always wanted to get one of these for my Dachshunds to hang out in.
  13. Mezger 4 life! For some reason I read that as 997.1. Gorgeous car, though!
  14. And all this dog killing talk is going to further alienate the Gen Z/ Millennial SWFs!
  15. I know WV is an R pickup, but what's the other?
  16. Pretty much my thoughts. Biden adds to 2020 win total 51D-49R senate Blue wave in House
  17. Maybe they all got their real estate licenses?
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