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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. A lot of truth here. The weed we smoked as teens/young adults wasn't nearly as strong as weed today. Throw in the number of kids these days that are on SSRIs or Benzos and it can't be good for the libido.
  2. If his dad caught him doing that impersonation of him he'd probably disown him...oh....
  3. If those kids on screen with him last night are his, he's already got a jump on the Tyreek Hill family planning...
  4. oh, totally agree. I'm not in need of a new vehicle at all (knock on wood). My Tundra is paid off and has 120K miles on it. I figure I've got at least 5 more years at my current annual mileage. I'd like to wait 5 years and pick up a lightly used 1-2 year old LC once they work out the kinks.
  5. Already hearing reports of $25K dealer markup on new LCs.
  6. Once he loses the election his lawyers will pivot to "Our client is suffering from dementia and is unfit to stand trial or serve jail time."
  7. yep, double uni FTW. I've tried the Alberto knot and I think it's marginally better, but I can never remember the steps if I have to re-tie on the boat, so I mostly stick to the double uni
  8. I saw him open for Turnpike when they first started touring for A Long Way From Your Heart and I might have liked him less after that show. The "Frat boy trying to be an old time country singer" is a perfect description. Also, I caught them in St Louis at a venue called The Pageant and the sound guy was terrible. He had a small horn section and the horns were so loud it was almost all you could hear. Then Turnpike brought him out for Bossier City, and he brought his trumpet player with him and the trumpet was so fucking loud it ruined one of my favorite Turnpike tunes.
  9. Please tell me someone got a picture of Alpha Warrior!
  10. Maybe it's a north Denver thing. I'm out south. We can't smell Greeley here.
  11. Isn’t Van Orden the one that lost his shit on some jr staffers drinking in an office after hours?
  12. Well, they made the last seed in the final, started in lane 8, and finished 4th. My daughter ran lead-off and handed off the baton in 2nd-ish place. They won’t advance to state, but that was a great year for the team with 2 frosh, 1 soph, and 1 jr (my daughter). The team will all be back next year for another go!
  13. Almost went there, but the ram diesel is popular with that crowd, too
  14. and at least one gun porn bumper sticker on their truck.
  15. He's too busy texting me (and anyone else that's ever sent him $5) 8 times a day asking for more money.
  16. doesn't matter. They'll just move to a suburb and keep voting R.
  17. Man, Eastern Tennessee is beautiful. Too bad their politics are more fucked up than ours.
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