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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I’ve been in knee deep water, taken a couple steps and been in mud up to my waist. Drunk, at night, panic sets in and it could get ugly quick
  2. That 12:00 marker looks like a cock and balls, but I like the watch
  3. It's way better than "The Greginator"
  4. Toyota dealer where I bought my Tundra pings me about every 6 months to see if I'd like to trade it in. Bro, I bought a V8 Tundra so I'd never have to trade it in.
  5. I'm your neighbor in 31. The latest redistricting saw them move 31 several MILES west and split WilCo, like you said. We were 1-2 more cycles from flipping 31, so they split it up, "packed" the dark blue areas into the new Austin district, and bought themselves another 3-4 cycles of uncompetitive races in 31 and 17
  6. I was going to say, maybe they’re just trying to get the Chiefs to pay for some toes they needed removed anyway.
  7. Maybe he was running funny to keep the demons at bay and that’s what caused the knee sprain?
  8. Tell them some absolute hogwash about a Ukraine offensive to draw Russian reserves away from the real offensive.
  9. I was thinking it looked like the offroad version of a 90's GTI...so this is pretty much correct.
  10. Brief him, but don't let him take notes or take any documents out of the room. And wand him for electronic recording devices. just asking questions
  11. Brisket also holds my death directive. Clear my browser history, delete my surly account, and dump the contents of my nightstand where my kids won't find it.
  12. I said on this very board that the way they reacted after 2020 was like a guy who bet big on a fight he thought was fixed and was totally stunned and angry he lost. Also, since every accusation is a confession I assume the specific voting machines they were complaining about are the same ones they hacked in 2016 to add/delete or change votes. I think they ran the same play in 2020 but didn't account for the larger turnout.
  13. I bet there are some kids in the Philippines with stories to tell.
  14. She'd be fucking amazing as Sec. of Commerce, but Wall Street and Silicon Valley might team up to have her whacked.
  15. Today I learned Tim Tebow probably abuses children.
  16. The problem is we basically have two Democratic parties in Texas. There's the South of I-10 party, and the North of I-10 party. The "Big" party keeps expecting Hispanics to turn the tide and turn Texas purple, but in every primary for statewide office, we tell their preferred candidate to get fucked in the primary in favor of the darling of the National party.
  17. The Republican Civil War is over Mitch McConnell endorses Donald Trump
  18. it most certainly has not. I've been voting in primaries for 20 years and it's the first time it's happened to me.
  19. Demand to see her medical records to prove she hasn't had an abortion before he lets her perform in Texas.
  20. That's the thing...I still had to do the iPad check in and select which ballot I wanted and sign off on it. It looked like they had 3-4 people working the R check in table and 2 people working the D table. Seems like you could have had one table with 6 people checking you in, and no one would have known what ballot you pulled until you put it in the tabulation machine/ drop box.
  21. She'll be playing the role of anti-woke democrat on Fox News before her term is up.
  22. In that location it's not super surprising. It's one of the redder precincts of Williamson County that includes TX31 (R+15) and HD52 (R+11). It was also the middle of the afternoon, so it skewed heavily retirees. Most young families would have been at work or in the school pickup line at the time I went.
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