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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I saw him open for Turnpike when they first started touring for A Long Way From Your Heart and I might have liked him less after that show. The "Frat boy trying to be an old time country singer" is a perfect description. Also, I caught them in St Louis at a venue called The Pageant and the sound guy was terrible. He had a small horn section and the horns were so loud it was almost all you could hear. Then Turnpike brought him out for Bossier City, and he brought his trumpet player with him and the trumpet was so fucking loud it ruined one of my favorite Turnpike tunes.
  2. Please tell me someone got a picture of Alpha Warrior!
  3. Maybe it's a north Denver thing. I'm out south. We can't smell Greeley here.
  4. Isn’t Van Orden the one that lost his shit on some jr staffers drinking in an office after hours?
  5. Well, they made the last seed in the final, started in lane 8, and finished 4th. My daughter ran lead-off and handed off the baton in 2nd-ish place. They won’t advance to state, but that was a great year for the team with 2 frosh, 1 soph, and 1 jr (my daughter). The team will all be back next year for another go!
  6. Almost went there, but the ram diesel is popular with that crowd, too
  7. and at least one gun porn bumper sticker on their truck.
  8. He's too busy texting me (and anyone else that's ever sent him $5) 8 times a day asking for more money.
  9. doesn't matter. They'll just move to a suburb and keep voting R.
  10. and blaming Democrats
  11. Man, Eastern Tennessee is beautiful. Too bad their politics are more fucked up than ours.
  12. If I were his dad I’d be trying to book an appointment online with Dr Meister right now
  13. Pescado_Rojo


    Senate tried last session, but the house never took it up. Abbott's voucher scam took up the whole session.
  14. I'm gonna open a poorly maintained Indian Street Food cart at the gates to that cemetery.
  15. If you all will indulge me a proud dad moment, my daughter's 4x400 team finished 3rd at area last night and will advance to regionals for the first time in school history (centex 5A school, opened in 2009 so not that big a deal)
  16. Maybe it's Tim Scott
  17. No love for Lindsey, but if some incel was following me through the airport squawking at me like that with a phone in my face he would definitely find out.
  18. hell, I met most of them in Austin.
  19. You just described my life from 1989-1991.
  20. Took my 17 year old skater son. I think I enjoyed it more than he did because I grew up skating in the 80s.
  21. Ex-wife had it on her 15. When it went out I put Bilsteins on it and she didn’t notice a difference.
  22. TX31 includes most of Leander, and John Carter is 187 years old...
  23. High School meets are better than AAU meets, but yes. My daughter runs track and my son swims. Swim meets are similar, but usually a bit better organized. Last year at UIL swim regionals my son was in the 2nd event and the last event. And the meet was at A&M. Pure misery.
  24. Or in the evenings after school, when parents don't have to move mountains to get out of work to attend. Signed: Guy who is about to leave for the district track meet an hour and a half away.
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