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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I’ve been wanting to try making Tahdig, so last night was the night. Girlfriend had a TikTok recipe for some middle eastern-ish chicken thighs, so she made those and a little cucumber salad. I’m sure someone’s Persian grandmother could tell me the 10 things I did wrong, but I thought the Tahdig turned out pretty damn good.
  2. When I got divorced two years ago, I got several calls a day for a month or more. I guess the seminar told them to go to the court house and look for divorce filings, too.
  3. We need to send Letitia James an edible arrangement or something. She's doing some good work up there.
  4. kinda my thought. Maybe with AWACs support from an ally. "You should fly to this map grid and turn on your search radar for a second"
  5. Something is going on over there. They've been shooting down a lot of RU aircraft at what I would consider extreme range. Either they've made some kind of intelligence or technological breakthrough, or there's something new in theater that no one knows about.
  6. This stupid piece of shit must be the hottest meme off the fax machine, because I've seen it 4-5 times already today. Never mind that if you've got an LLC you can write off nearly 100% of the cost of a "big ole diesel truck" in year one.
  7. literally the only thing I've ordered from Chuy's in years.
  8. Ted looks like a sales middle manager at a tech dinosaur on the third day of SKO.
  9. There's a Hilton Garden Inn in Grapevine right by a Bass Pro Shop. Their one conference room is probably big enough, and you've got a nearby attraction of interest to the MAGA crowd. Seems like a good fit.
  10. Father of IVF twins here. As someone said upthread, I really feel for the couples in the middle of the cycle who were just told they can't continue. The whole process is an ass kicking, from the emotional toll to the physical pain of daily shots, egg extraction, etc. Then to learn it was all for nothing, and you're likely out tens of thousands of dollars? I know of several families that had to scrimp and save, or even borrow money knowing they could only afford one shot at it. This is heartbreaking.
  11. Could the Russians reenforce Transnistria if they wanted to? Seems like existing Patriot batteries could do a good job covering the approaches by air and it would be easy to cover what appears to be the only sea lane. Round up the 2,000 or so Russian soldiers and tell Russia to get fucked.
  12. No, because all the Colin Allred texts crowd them out.
  13. Co-worker that lives in the Chicago metro said he restarted his phone and it came back on. Didn't work for me in CenTex. 14 Pro.
  14. location? Mine's still down in WilCo.
  15. See, just the opposite for me. At first I thought this might be one of those genuinely crazy people that occasionally find this place (though usually they jump into the middle of a thread they found through a google search or something...first red flag was this guy being the OP) The Trump stuff is a little too on-the-nose effort to trigger people on this board. Now I'm 100% convinced this is just another sock account trying to stir up some offseason drama and I've lost interest.
  16. maybe Trump doesn't understand what short list means and he's got a literal list of short people?
  17. We could air drop some Alpha Brain and tilt the balance of power to the highest bidder!!
  18. I had an everything bagel with jalapeno cream cheese this morning, so this hits close to home.
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