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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. maybe the real hitmen were the friends we made along the way?
  2. As a UHC customer, I'm not saying it's right...but I understand.
  3. The dating pool really opens up when you get to the age that taking off your reading glasses can turn a 5 into an 8.
  4. Just missed another one.
  5. Go to field goals. Start at the 30, back up 5 yards after every make
  6. I just want to see Kirby assault a side judge….ah well, never the less
  7. of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.
  8. I was gonna say Mormon Christmas card, but there aren't enough kids, and the wife doesn't look half plastic.
  9. Top one is a Redfish, the other two are Black Drum, the Redfish’s ugly cousin
  10. successful first day. Caught a handful of slot fish, as well.
  11. dragging the skiff over to Louisiana tomorrow. Weekend looks about perfect for bulls in the marsh
  12. I swear I can't tell what's real and what's staged anymore. sigh...
  13. New Orleans is the king of this. City room tax, parish room tax, convention tax (not here for a convention? fuck you, pay me), hotel fee, state room tax, parking, parking tax, you're probably going to drink four hurricanes and puke in your bed cleaning tax.........
  14. As someone who actually grew up poor, most of the people who brag about being raised poor were actually raised working class or lower middle class. I guess everyone wants to be the hero in their own "bootstraps" story and "I grew up poor" sounds better than "I grew up in an average American working class family, where we paid for our groceries with our own money and I never had to worry about what utility was going to be cut off when I got home from school"
  15. Pescado_Rojo


    driving around with a tray like that in your lap rolling one from a bud full of seeds while shifting your manual car is something kids these days wouldn't understand.
  16. Pressure Building on DeSantis to appoint Laura Trump to Rubio's vacant Senate seat
  17. As long as I'm in the will, your secret is safe with me.
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