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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I wasn't planning on spending that much, but it was totally worth it.
  2. We need a puke +rep emoji
  3. Greg, or Candi?
  4. Also, they never post the whole exchange on their social media. Just their bit "Watch MTG DESTROY Deep State Christopher Wray!!"
  5. That's some County Commissioner's Court energy, there.
  6. Nice of Chip to write all the 2024 Dem campaign messaging.
  7. No one is really promoting Talarico as formidable in a race against Cruz, either. Just the opposite, really. Everyone here said he'd have no chance when it got brought up. One of the worst effects of Gerrymandering is that it makes it really hard to build a bench. With so few winnable seats out there, you have great candidates like Hinojosa, Goodwin, Talarico, etc that have nowhere to go after several years in the State ledge, or city council or whatever. Ideally they'd be able to move up to a congressional seat or state senate seat or whatever to continue to build their brand and run statewide in the future, but Texas Republicans have made that virtually impossible. Sucks, but it's what we're up against.
  8. Arkansas would make a lot of sense with his recruiting connections to DFW.
  9. Defend yourself by looking down your nose disdainfully while smoking a cigarette.
  10. My last words to my son will be "keep the cameras rolling at the funeral"
  11. Weird. An old high school classmate of mine was in-house counsel and involved in their lobbying efforts, and she's very left leaning. She quit a couple years ago to work at a non-profit in the DC area. Wonder if she saw the writing on the wall?
  12. When you find out testosterone replacement therapy doesn't make you a better fighter...
  13. Ole MarkWayne is on the "Fuck around" part of the aggy rollercoaster.
  14. Same. I see Jimbo played on Morgan Wade's new album, but I don't think he's touring with her.
  15. All three of those districts are R+15 at minimum, so you're probably right. I wonder if John Carter will run again in TX31. He'll be 83 by Nov '24. He didn't have a challenger in 22, and so far no one has filed to run against him next year. Seems like a good time to announce his retirement and endorse one of his grandkids or something.
  16. is there a 3x leveraged ETH ETF?
  17. I could tell you Dave was an asshole without reading a single one of his tweets, just by looking at that avatar/bio.
  18. That face when you spent a bundle in a futile effort to overturn an election AND you lost $4M on the Astros.
  19. A few more points...or hell, just first downs...would help the defense quite a bit, Sark.
  20. Have they announced the crew for the ISU game yet?
  21. I wish Pops would run for Governor
  22. goddamn, I thought child support was a drag on my budget…
  23. My personal opinion, which is somewhat backed up by TPWD surveys, is that ESB and San Antonio Bay have been in a downward spiral since the freeze
  24. Taylor Swift ending MAGA is the perfect ending for this simulation.
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