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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Do the ATACMS bomblets have the same tungsten BBs as the M30A1 HIMARS rounds? Because Jesus fucking Christ if so.
  2. Never, because 100+ of them would get primaried and lose their seat to a more extreme MAGAt. There'd probably be more than one attempted assassination before 2024 as well.
  3. Time to start talking very publicly about selling Taiwan F35s
  4. "Yes I was at the party, but I didn't participate in or know about the rape" What they were actually doing:
  5. All the girls at Rick’s are going to med school
  6. Let's be honest, Speaker Jim Jordan would mean that Biden and Harris protection details would have to double in size. They'd probably need to hire food tasters, too.
  7. Colin Jost as Don Jr Mikey Day as Hunter Biden Michael Che as the interventionist that Kimberly won't stop hitting on Guest host Caitlyn Jenner as Kimberly (because there's a resemblance and because it would make MAGA heads explode)
  8. Nihilist and/or amoral opportunist willing to do whatever it takes to force his disgusting world view on others? My whole argument is around his statement that "coalition government is unforgivable", when a guy with his education 100% knows this is how government is supposed to work. The fact that he's fighting tooth and nail against it is one of the things I find so despicable about him. I also should have added the qualifier "Chip Roy is rocketing up my list of most hated TEXAS republicans"
  9. I feel like we both agree the sky is blue, but we're arguing about the shade.
  10. He 100% knows better. He's got a BS and MS from UVA and a JD from Texas. He's not a moron. He knows how our government is supposed to work. He's also 100% a true-believer Republican shitbag who has altered his appearance and vocal delivery to appeal to voters in his gerrymandered R+20 district. He's gone from this guy: To this guy: in 6 years.
  11. You beat me to it. He said the quiet part out loud. They don't want to govern, they want to rule. There is no compromise. If only there were examples that they could learn from throughout our history of conservatives refusing to compromise and ultimately ending up with nothing . Also, Chip Roy is rocketing up my list of most hated republicans. Probably because I know he knows better and is putting on an act for his district and MAGA nation.
  12. some fringy crypto-bro set up a skit so he could pwn a fringy reporter no one has heard of.
  13. When I bought my Squale 60 Atmospheres, it came on the black rubber strap and I ordered a leather strap and a blue rubber strap with it. The blue strap was on back order and just showed up last week. I never loved the color of the leather strap, so I hit it with a couple coats of neatsfoot oil. I think it turned out pretty good.
  14. Marsh looks like he steals catalytic converters in the off season
  15. Just got a "Breaking News" email from the NYT that Israel bombed the hospital. Nice job confirming the story before you rush it out there fucksticks.
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