Arkansas admissions counselor told us they will look at all available grades when making their admissions decision. Same with LSU. I figure as long as his GPA is in one of the discount bands, he's probably safely in. He's safely in the 70% band, but only .15% from the 80% band and has a good chance to get there by the end of the semester.
My daughter is going to A&M, even if she has to do the TEAM program with Blinn to get there. She's got a 3.85 unweighted GPA and several AP credits and dual credit hours, but isn't top 6% at our high school full of Apple Engineer's kids. I'm competing with about 75% of her friend group, her mom and grandparents, and her boyfriend. I'm at the point where if I try to talk her out of it any harder I'll damage our relationship. My son has been talking up UA, so hopefully she'll listen to him and at least take the tour. She'd be in the 90% discount band, and the Walton school is pretty equal to Mays these days.