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Daichee Bell

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Daichee Bell

  1. Damn, Sark.
  2. But think of the crazy that was missed by the Tim Burton/Nick Cage Superman. Would have been incredible.
  3. Golden Rule and Ichiro are solid. Good drinks and food.
  4. @UncleBuck
  5. Would you say they are DeColdest?
  6. I know some of you guys are just googling pics of chicken fried steaks from your favorite restaurant. Others of you have kept pics of your favorite steak on your phone from restaurants that closed 4 years ago, so that you can go back and look at it from time to time.
  7. Damn, DeShon didn't really strike me as a "Natty" kinda guy.
  8. There's an old saying....Hell hath no fury like a sweaty, fat guy scorned.
  9. Any idea what the framework of the “collective“ is? The wording is interesting- it is not framed as a an endowment, fund, or trust. What’s the benefit to members of the collective?
  10. Also incentivized to complete the degree. No need to rush to the nfl as an early entry for low round players.
  11. This is me reading the stats of every single one of these portal tweets.
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