When it first hit, I remember saying to my wife,“I’m not suicidal, but I do understand.” Mine came on coinciding with both Covid and a scuba diving trip. But, I’m also a child of the 80s and 90s, so a lot of concerts and shooting growing up in Texas.
I don’t have hearing loss but have very high-pitched whining. Similar to hearing a boat motor underwater. Alcohol and caffeine hit me worse.
I went down a deep dive on this. Went to an ENT and had an MRI. They told me I was old. Tried massage and it worked a tiny bit. Acupuncture actually had the most significant result for me at the beginning. Changed up dietary practices, tried different, supplements, and vitamins. Shockingly, for me, the best aid is doing a Epley maneuver/barbecue roll. Came about this by accident and was suggested by my dietitian. Typically it’s used for vertigo, but it definitely helped me. It’s cheap, quick, and provided me with a measure of comfort within about an hour or so. There are a bunch of different versions of this. I recommend you give it a whirl…..or roll…..