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  1. I just bought this one for $19 at Academy last week. Just wanted a simple cooler for a few hours. I have the Polar Bear 12 soft cooler that I got a Texas Exes Houston Chapter fundraiser with their "Come and Hook'em" logo. That one's great for heading to the neighborhood pool for a couple of hours. Big fan of that one.
  2. I switched recently to Spectrum for internet. I had AT&T uverse cable + internet for years but I dropped cable for Directv Now almost a year ago. So I only had AT&T for my internet but based on the distance to the hub, I was maxed out at 50MB which sucked. So I jumped to Spectrum 400MB plan and got it for $10 more than 50MB AT&T. But I noticed on my bill that there was a $10 phone charge. Can I avoid that? Or is it just part of the package?
  3. RD3

    Texas BBQ

    I went to Victoria for a funeral yesterday and we stopped at Black's BBQ in Lockhart on the way home. One of my buddies got the beef rib and it was not their best. Disappointed. I got pork ribs, brisket and sausage. The brisket was awesome. I saw it on the cutting table and I said "yeah get me some of that". I was at Louie Muellers 2 weeks ago and I thought that the brisket was better at Blacks but the ribs + sausage were better at Louie Muellers. Of course this all varies visit to visit.
  4. "Body language expert" is my favorite expert.
  5. And man, I really want to eat that taco that he made for Nacho. Looked tasty.
  6. Doh... Mexican Dennis Quaid.
  7. Yep. I think then and there she realized that Jimmy is a sociopath.
  8. Augustus explained it above.
  9. I'm wrong. I did some searching on Breaking Bad and I'll just leave it as that.
  10. Like "Native American Joe Pesci" from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang...
  11. Holy sh*t. Lalo Salamanca is "Mexican Randy Quaid"!
  12. Lalo is dead in BB. I imagine that this next season the conflict will be Gus vs Salamanca and Lalo is too strong of a character to not have a role in BB if he lived through this conflict. I wish that Nacho had eaten that taco tho. It looked good.
  13. He did that line when he was running the Rolex scam in the alleys a few seasons ago...
  14. And that's surprising how? Saul Goodman was a prick on BB. Remember when he was telling Walter White to just kill Badger when Walter takes him out to the desert? He's just an entertaining prick.
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