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Everything posted by RD3

  1. Fake. The person who wrote it was likely crying in laughter as he wrote this. Especially the C*NT part.
  2. A couple of weeks ago I bought my 9 year old a Texas jersey from last year at Kohls for like $35 on sale.
  3. I'm wondering if this was self inflicted? Only saying that because I doubt this was random and it sounds like the boyfriend doesn't have the means to do it.
  4. This is crazy shit. Wow, hard to get my head wrapped around this. The world is a much bigger place than we realize...
  5. I was Gilette for years and switched to Dollar Shave Club for about 5 years. I dropped it about a year ago because the 4x was just too big and shaving the moustache area would seem to miss the parts closest to my nose too often. Went back to Gilette Mach 3 from Costco and love it. DSC sucks
  6. Jim Miller's "Origins" podcast did an entire episode to GameDay. He mentioned that one of things that differentiates that show from others is it draws marginal fans to watch it. Many folks who watch the show DON'T EVEN WATCH CFB. Crazy but that's something. And 3 hours is way too long, I miss Fowler and Corso got old on us.
  7. They mentioned that in the article -> that backfield was the only time 2 NFL Hall of Fame RBs played together in college.
  8. Yep, it's in that documentary on development in Austin -> "Unforeseen".
  9. I have Directv Now + Roku Ultras....
  10. RD3


    Question... what is the income stream for the Dutton family? Cattle ranching? Is that enough to keep up a place like that? I know that part of the story is the Indian dude wants to raise property taxes so he can't afford it.
  11. It's a good look and it also shows the media that this game isn't coming back and it isn't because of us. And it isn't coming back for good because that just isn't feasible with a 9 conference game schedule and still playing teams like USC, Ohio State, Michigan... Why play a team 100 miles away when you can get more attractive matchups like Michigan. I think the media is finally getting it.
  12. This isn't on iTunes podcast?
  13. RD3


    You forgot that the patriarch got cancer too.
  14. I have Cap1 Money Market for our "savings". 1.75% and fully FDIC. I had savings with them before so I didn't qualify for the bonus but I opened up the Money Market and moved my savings to that. Not really sure why I need to have a savings with them at this point..
  15. I've gotta ask about the "Nimrod" name... is pronounced like we think it? Or something else? That's all I care about.
  16. RD3


    I have really enjoyed this series but I know it's funner to pick apart the weaknesses...
  17. Where do you live now?
  18. Why blame anyone? I don't like it but today we have an infinite amount of sources for music. Change the channel, it's infinitely easier now.
  19. My feedback is simple. Keep it under 45min. 30min would be ideal. The biggest knock I have on the "Horncast" with Joe Cook and Will Blazer is it's too fucking long. 75min in most cases.
  20. RD3


    The music in this series is bad-ass. Whiskey Myers and Bingham. Nice. I read that Whiskey Myers saw an increase in iTunes sales recently tied to this show.
  21. I have a few Criquet polos and really like them. That one is pretty sweet but of course they are out of medium. Sombitch. But... I have a burnt orange striped one from them as it is...
  22. I got my 9yo son the new UT jersey earlier today. I have likely 6 of the previous iteration jerseys (#1, #8, #28) in varying sizes and my youngest is still growing into those. I liked them because of the mesh works good for hot fall games. I wonder how the one above works out... And my son's favorite players are Earl Campbell and Freddie Steinmark so he loves that #28 jersey but he just outgrew it...
  23. She has a line in Blues Brothers that I've always loved. Husband: Now don't get riled, Sugar. Aretha: Don't you "don't get riled, Sugar" me!!! The way she delivered it was awesome.
  24. That's where I got the image but it's not the same one. The coaches had a Nike dri-fit version... Can't find it yet tho.
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