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Hugh G. Rection

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Everything posted by Hugh G. Rection

  1. I don't like 8 but I think 6 is appropriate: 5 conference champions and 1 at large with the top 2 having a first playoff bye.
  2. http://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c5e552c2d34b8aff4b72612a3cc35e92-c
  3. I remember a comedian saying he loved crack, because it brought the price of pussy down to $5. You could have crack hoes 24 hours a day.
  4. This is worse than the cooler debate we had on the scat porn site.
  5. I too am glad someone is addressing the heart worm issue
  6. Sounds like you got lucky. I’ve been behind one of those assholes who spent 15-20 minutes trying to pass and would get half a truck length ahead then fall half a truck length behind, finally giving up and pulling behind the other truck so the miles long line of cars could finally get on their way.
  7. ^^^That started out as a good thing.
  8. They need trees to roost and build nests. Cut down your trees. If it roosts in an neighbor's tree, cut that down too.
  9. You think Fred is badass...I want to meet the 500 lb. bull whose parents have a country place. THAT is badass.
  10. What the fuck?!?! I didn't write that...how am I quoted there?
  11. Mohammed Atta says hello. Or Allah Ackbar if you're into that kind of thing.
  12. Second longest. If it becomes the longest, there will be 3 more years of gains. Do you want to keep your money on the sidelines for 3 years? http://www.finra.org/investors/5-longest-bull-markets-infographic
  13. I never understood the way people like rice. No flavor or odor. Reminds me of a food version of water.
  14. After seeing her pic in the other thread is was going to ask wat dat mouf do doe, but now I know.
  15. REITS are good for providing income on real estate deals and provide diversity in assets.
  16. What's your holding period? Studies have shown that putting it in the market sooner than later pays off in the long run. If you want market returns you have to accept market risk (volatility).
  17. You're right...it's the World Series. My bad.
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