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Everything posted by wreckatx

  1. Right? Meanwhile he gets all the benefit of the settlement agreement and the whistleblowers get nada. The legislature deserves some scorn here, too. They know that the only proper party defendant to a whistleblower suit is the employing governmental agency, but they are grandstanding and saying taxpayer dollars shouldn't fund the settlement WITH A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. Not to mention the fact that $3.3 million is a less than 1/2 of 1% of the attorney generals budget next year. The legislature's resistance to approving funding is not about saving the taxpayers money.
  2. https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2023/02/20/texas-legislature-should-authorize-whistleblower-compensation/
  3. I think this is correct. The settlement agreement was contingent on legislative funding and the motion to abate at the Supreme Court said if the parties were not able to secure funding they would jointly move to lift the abatement. So, the case won't settle, Paxton will drag the case on forever with delay tactics and when the whistlblowers eventually win (which they will) the judgment agains the state will be far greater than the current settlement.
  4. This is the unfortunate truth. Also, the Texas Whistleblower Act only provides a cause of action against the agency not the official.
  5. It seems to me the whistleblowers did their part by reporting Paxton to the feds and then getting fired for it. if they want to settle and collect damages that they are entitled to, that’s there prerogative. Our collective ire is much better focused on the subject of their whistleblowing and the law enforcement and fellow republicans that have done nothing whatsoever about it.
  6. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/01/31/texas-ag-ken-paxton-enters-into-settlement-talks-with-whistleblowers-over-retaliation-suit/
  7. Janes was great but I’ve also never seen them so that probably helped. Pumpkins sounded great but too much new weird shit for my taste. That taking heads cover was one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard.
  8. Judge Pitman’s order is great. “The Court will not sanction a scheme where Paxton repeatedly labels his threats of prosecution as real for the purposes of deterrence and as hypothetical for the purposes of judicial review,”
  9. It’s been a while since we’ve had a thread like this. Looking for somewhere I can take my 14 year old. Happy to pay for a day hunt or look at a lease. Anyone have any pointers or spots?
  10. https://localtoday.news/la/texas-ag-ken-paxtons-legal-troubles-cost-more-than-500000-documents-show-2-19437.html He's spent nearly $450k on the whistleblower suit alone.
  11. A things have been missing from the analysis of this issue in this thread, but it was brought up in court and resonated with the judge. This was likely an attempt at an eleventh hour document dump/discovery supplementation. They just sent the wrong link. Then, Reynal said disregard the link and I’ll send you a new one, but he never did. So, defense counsel gives plaintiff a bunch of docs on the eve of trial (many of which are not privileged and should have been produced years ago and which defendant has testified don’t exist), plaintiff says “Hey, There’s some privileged stuff in here”, defense counsel says “oh. Disregard and I’ll send you another link” but he doesn’t and he also never identifies the privileged material per the rule. Plaintiff’s counsel waits ten days per the rule and bingo privilege waived.
  12. LOL...that's the talking point. The point is to give tax dollars back to the rich white people who contribute to Republicans and already have their children in religious private schools. That is the origin of "school choice."
  13. I am convinced that insecurity is at the root of all the right-wing bullshit we are dealing with today, more specifically the fear of the loss of the white male privilege and the fear of anything and anyone "different". It all started when we elected a black president. This is where "take America back' and MAGA come from. This is the basis for stockpiling and clinging to guns, for racism, for "border enforcement", for marginalizing LGBTQ individuals, for regressive abortion policy. All of it. They are all a bunch of scared little babies that are not secure enough in their own worth to society that they have to protect that perceived worth through power grabs and separating themselves from anyone not like them.
  14. SCOTX quietly granted Paxton’s petition for review on Friday, meaning that at least three of them think that his tyrannical, baseless argument that the Whistleblower Act does not apply to reports or illegal conduct by elected officials actually needs to be examined. The court also issued a ruling in another Whistleblower Act case last week to which Justice Blacklock wrote a dissenting opinion parts of which read like they were copied straight from Paxton’s briefing in the OAG case. Everything is fucked. https://twitter.com/chucklindell/status/1530570147949314050?s=21
  15. So make it about Beto, but don’t make it about Beto. Got it.
  16. “In the intervening years, Paxton has drawn new scrutiny after eight of this top deputies accused him in 2020 of allegedly abusing his office to help a wealthy donor, Nate Paul, resist an earlier FBI investigation of the developer. Both federal probes continue, with investigators in recent months collecting Paul’s business records and asking how the developer might have been paying Paxton, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.” https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-dallas-houston-ken-paxton-62273089acc4feb70dd64349bc398f5d
  17. http://quorumreport.com/quorum_report_daily_buzz_2022/ahead_of_the_tuesday_runoff_sen_cornyn_slams_paxto_buzziid31045.html
  18. Abbott, Patrick, and…Kent Hance filed amicus letters yesterday urging SCOTX to take up Paxton’s challenge to the whistleblower suit. Recall that Hance’s firm made a $25,000 donation to Paxton while it was representing Nate Paul/World Class. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Abbott-Patrick-urge-Texas-Supreme-Court-to-take-17127439.php
  19. I was really hoping that New Order would play since they are on tour, but their dates don't quite line up unless they fly back and forth from Cali for weekend one.
  20. Detailed gender-affirming operation talk not going away.
  21. Agree 100%. Tell your friends. You do not have to have voted in the R primary to vote in the R runoff. Anyone who did not vote in the D primary can vote in the R runoff. That's like 85% of registered Texas voters. Bush is gonna bush, but let's get this clown out of here.
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