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Everything posted by wreckatx

  1. 64% don’t care.
  2. In other news, water is wet.
  3. https://news.yahoo.com/many-ways-texas-ag-ken-184258139.html And nobody cares…
  4. Considering that the wife of TPPF's Executive Director is Paxton's Chief of Staff, that must be awkward. Were you at the TPPF Policy Orientation? What happened exactly?
  5. Clearly you have not watched many Tech games.
  6. Lol…Paxton doesn’t give a shit. @Thatguy is spot on.
  7. ...and Nate Paul has now filed suit against the individual FBI agents that raided his house and business for 4th Amendment violations. This is wild.
  8. Exactly. Suit has been on file for a year and the plaintiffs have been able to conduct exactly zero discovery. The AG’s office never thought it would win with this bullshit argument. It’s nothing but a procedural delay tactic.
  9. Actually, the Whistleblower Act only provides a cause of action against the employing agency and not the individual accused of the crime, or the supervisor that commits the adverse employment action. Other than that, all of this is spot on, especially the obvious delay tactic. Paxton has also managed through this maneuver to avoid discovery in the trial court. Waco Tribune of all outlets had a pretty stout op-ed recently: https://wacotrib.com/opinion/editorial/editorial-now-we-learn-ken-paxton-is-not-a-public-employee/article_b7f4bdb8-1da9-11ec-bdc3-b730544e2156.html
  10. https://twitter.com/texastribune/status/1440760618349256719?s=21
  11. Report by Ken Paxton exonerates Ken Paxton. lol. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/ag-paxton-committed-no-crime-texas-attorney-general-clears-self-of-bribery-accusations-in-unsigned-report/
  12. https://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/whistleblowers-say-ag-ken-paxton-is-distorting-testimony-to-get-their-lawsuit-dismissed
  13. New Bloomberg article on Paxton. Nothing new but still a pretty good read. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-06-22/trump-friendly-texas-ag-ken-paxton-faces-biden-admin-claims-of-corruption?sref=DGDPYuHr
  14. Yes…genius would be strong, but he’s no slouch. Plus I heard TLR is supporting Guzman. You’d have to think the governor had a hand in that. Now, can the GOP primary-voting faithful elect someone who is (a) a woman, (b) a minority, and (c) not a trump bootlicker? That remains to be seen.
  15. I think this is spot on. No way Guzman resigned without Abbott's tacit support. I think this race ends up in a runoff then Paxton runs out of money.
  16. https://twitter.com/ricardogzz09/status/1396943429955883011?s=21
  17. Judge Meachum denied Paxton’s motion to dismiss the whistleblower suit. Of course he immediately appealed that ruling. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/03/23/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-whistleblower-lawsuit-misconduct-allegations/6974241002/
  18. Paxton is continuing to run and hide. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/03/01/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-whistleblower-hearing/
  19. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Did-Attorney-General-Ken-Paxton-really-pre-plan-15983894.php
  20. The senators in the finance committee hearing were completely feckless. They didn’t even ask him about the whistleblower suit or fbi investigation. They don’t care.
  21. One of the lawyers representing the Mitte Foundation receiver in the litigation with Paul/World Class found a tracking device on his truck. https://apnews.com/article/ken-paxton-texas-crime-37aa410a2a9f692227b46c6f7398de60
  22. Agreed. If the cops had busted in immediately and the outcome were the same, people would be criticizing them for moving too fast. This was a tragedy plain and simple. The police are not to blame.
  23. In the same boat. Trying to comfort my wife right now. Our daughters are friends. She’s beside herself. Talking about how to talk to our daughter in the morning. Can’t imagine what the family is going through.
  24. Hearing from friends right now that the hostage and the hostage taker are both dead. Hostage was a very well liked pediatrician and has three young kids. Terrible.
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