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Everything posted by wreckatx

  1. No one has expertise in that area because that is a made up, unsupported, bullshit argument designed to provide an opportunity for immediate interlocutory appeal and delay of proceedings (read: discovery) in the trial court.
  2. Watched with my 12 year old son last night. We both completely geeked out when the swing showed up. Lightsaber came out and my boy said, “it’s Luke.” Then, “gloved hand!” And punched me in the shoulder. After that we were both bouncing on the sofa through the whole hallway scene. Absolutely awesome.
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/amp/Lawyers-for-Nate-Paul-gave-AG-Ken-Paxton-25k-15768141.php
  4. Talked to Britt Daniel at an Interpol show at the Austin Music Hall around 2005. Also met Annie Clarke at the Trans Pecos festival in Marta a few years ago. She wasn’t playing the fest, just there hanging.
  5. Parquet Courts>Janelle Monet>houndmouth was a fun back and forth on Sunday if you genre hop that much. Parquet Courts were really fun.
  6. Does anyone have a good source for real-time information on the San Juan wildfire near Durango and other wildfires in Colorado? Snowpack in southern Colorado was about 50 % normal and rivers are running at August levels. If they don't start getting some rain soon this could get bad. Heading up there in July and want to make sure I know what I am getting myself into.
  7. So don’t you think this little raft would be badass on the lake fork?
  8. I get all of this, and I actually agree wholeheartedly with the post you're quoting. I was a multi-sport athlete through high school and I have resisted putting my son in any sport more thane season a year for all of these reason, but, I also want to put him in the best position to succeed. Not to be a professional athlete - I don't have any illusions there - just to succeed at the level where he is and hopefully be able to letter in a sport or two in high school. I am not one of "those parents" by any stretch. So, I am torn because I can see the kids playing soccer in the fall and spring and/or baseball in the fall and spring getting better. My boy usually catches up, but it takes him a decent chunk of the season. One thing I am going to do is make sure I am working with him to knock whatever rust off we can before starting up a sport he's laid off of again.
  9. Just had their tortilla chips for the first time and holy shit are they good.
  10. Not sure if it qualifies as classic, but I have a '84 red corvette that belonged to my dad. It sounds like a Harley. I don't think I would ever buy a car like it for myself, which makes it even more fun. That said, I had an '83 K5 blazer in high school that I would trade the corvette for in a minute.
  11. Not TV, but I will never, ever buy a car from Scott Elder just because of his fucking voice and brutal radio ads.
  12. Went to the St. Vincent ACL taping last night. She is a badass.
  13. That place is great. Guys know what they are talking about, too. Beats the hell out of going to academy.
  14. Appreciate that.
  15. Again, super helpful. I appreciate it. I have some experience on the oars, but there are some canyon portions of the lake fork that I wouldn’t try even in a large raft. I don’t plan on messing with those. Other than those canyons, it is very similar in size and temperament to the Texas rivers I mentioned and actually closest to the Guadalupe below Canyon dam, which I failed to mention. Again, thanks for the tips. I will update if I choose to pull the trigger!
  16. So my 10yo boy has always played soccer in the fall and baseball in the spring. He likes both and so do we, but the kids that play year round in each respective sport are starting to lap him. He always catches up, but I can still see them pulling away. Any advice here?
  17. I was at that show. What a great time for good indie music.
  18. That’s so funny. The last time I heard that I fell off my dinosaur.
  19. Very helpful. Thank you for posting. I’m intending to use the raft for a mid-sized river in southwestern Colorado called the Lake Fork of the Gunnison, probably at around 500-800 CFS Andy maybe to bring the raft home with me to fish the lower Colorado, San Marcos, and Llano.
  20. CSB - Met CDC recently and was pretty much convinced that we were best friends after about 5 minutes. The guy is a pro.
  21. I'm looking for something similar. Within 60-90 miles of Austin. Don't care about deer. Would like to be able to hunt birds, fish, and camp. Basically just a place to take my kids and fart around.
  22. I also got my ass kicked by Lost Pines once before the fire. I think I may have quit keeping score. It was brutal.
  23. The ill-fitting part for sure. Pick collared shirt though, that's de rigeur for Tarrytown in the spring time.
  24. Ah Tarrytown... "Not resorting to judegement here, but a dark skinned man in pink collared shirt and ill fitting outfit soliciting "F2 Connections"?? Polite at first, although he was testy I didn't give him much attention (baby and dinner going on) and smartly rang my doorbell to avoid doorbell camera and stayed 10 feet back. Then scolded me for "looks like someone gave me a chance in life". I was polite as I could be, and hoping this wasn't sketchy, but thought I would give everyone a heads up." Actually, you are resorting to judgment.
  25. Thanks Krevo.
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