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Everything posted by wreckatx

  1. Saw David Byrne recently on this tour and he was awesome.
  2. This right here. Also planning on letting my 10 year old stay out there with me for Sir Paul. BFD as Joe Biden would say.
  3. Re: edm- look again. This lineup is very edm/hip hop heavy.
  4. Looked like David Byrne, Florence + the Machine and Sylvan Esso in there too.
  5. Awesome. If I make it that long, my boy better take me fishing.
  6. That’s it.
  7. Pretty partial to my avatar. Also, someone mentioned Annie Leibovitz earlier in the thread. I have a coffee table book of hers called "American Music" that is outstanding. Has this amazing photo of Willie in it.
  8. THAT Bill Callahan, you reckon?
  9. My son is about to turn ten and has played Westlake club for several years. He will move up to select in the fall. It’s been a pretty good experience. I’ve found the parents overall to be pretty nice. We practice and play most of our games at either hill country middle school or Westlake high which is convenient. I’m painting with a broad brush, but Lonestar coaches have seemed a little more harsh than ours. Of course, they usually have better teams. That said, there are asshole parents and coaches everywhere.
  10. Wasn’t there a live Janes Addiction album where Perry chastises someone for throwing a Birkenstock?
  11. San Marcos fished well yesterday. Caught a ton of guads and a couple decent largemouth. All on the fly so it was a fun day.
  12. Waylon, buddy, and some guy flipping the bird.
  13. Where do you fish?
  14. Radiohead at Red Rocks 2003 Arcade Fire at Emos outside in maybe 05? Neutral Milk Hotel at FunFunFun Widespread Panic Telluride 03 (first night was rained out so the band played a double set the next day starting at like 3 and just let the whole town come to the show. Met the band. Just an awesome weekend) Outkast at ACL Saw a surprising number of good shows growing up in Lubbock. AC/DC, ZZ, The Cult, Smashing Pumpkins at the fair on the Siamese dream tour, Metallica, Fugazi at a hole in the wall...
  15. Useful opinion. Thanks. I have been fly fishing for about 30 years and agree with everything you've said. I have a family place in southwestern colorado with a medium sized river that no-one ever floats and is too skinny for a large raft. Also attracted to something I could throw on top of my truck. I do worry about stability. It's only rated for class 2 rapids which really isn't much.
  16. Second all of that. I still have the plays printed out two to a page to show the kids. Misdirection and throws after a handoff are huge. Throwbacks work well, too. Some of the best plays we have involve getting the defense going one way and leaking the center out for a pass the other direction.
  17. I've had it for 6 years and never sharpened it. Probably about time. Drawbacks (other than it doesn't push itself) are that it has a fairly narrow cutting path and it doesn't do well with sticks or larger debris like magnolia pods. I have a small yard and I hate anything that can break, so it's been great for me.
  18. Game changer right here: https://www.myfootballplays.com/football-wristbands
  19. Didn't realize that. Imagine Dragons are here this summer, too. Of course, C3/Livenation book Austin 360 also. I think its safe to assume anyone in their current rotation could be at ACL except the people that headlined last year.
  20. The National, David Byrne, and Imagine Dragons were all in the South American Lolla lineups this spring. Metallica was the headliner down there last year. I wouldn't be surprised to see all of these acts at ACL. Also look for Post Malone to have an evening set.
  21. This concert was a horrible experience all the way around. Thank god I was 19 and didn’t know any better.
  22. Saw that tour as well. Great show. Cool story bro: former lead singer of Dangerous Toys works at the School of Rock on Burnet and Anderson lane where my boy takes guitar. We talked about this tour recently. Fond memories for that guy.
  23. I have a Fiskar reel mower. No motor and no batteries.
  24. I realize you already bought, but for anyone else following, I have a Fairdale Weekender with drop bars and I love it, but I also don’t do any serious distance riding. It’s kind of a cross bike made for riding in an urban setting like Austin, slightly more upright than a traditional road bike and bmx pedals, but with drop bars and semi skinny tires. Frame and fork are chromoly and the component set is top notch. OP- I also have a Thule hitch mount rack on my sequoia and it has been great.
  25. I currently have a samsung sound bar hooked up to my living room TV with a digital optical hook up. It has a wireless subwoofer and works great for tv and movies. Small living room. That said, I'm remodeling a house right now and looking into ceiling/wall mounted speakers in different rooms and back porch. Anyone have any recommendations for a set up? I am looking at Sonos, but I have no idea what I am doing.
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