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Everything posted by Leanderman

  1. Did BK promise him a video of the two of them on that rotating stage or something?
  2. "Things more interesting than UK Football:" aggy fish camp
  3. Tex, may your first-born daughter win first place in a Mr. T lookalike contest.
  4. "I wouldn’t mind seeing Florida turn their season around and also get Ffrench. We don’t compete with them for recruits so them being good doesn’t hurt us, but it would hurt Georgia/Bama/Tennessee. Enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. "
  5. We need to push the wildcat's poo in so far it comes out their ears.
  6. Music? Let's make the gomers really feel at home with this guy?
  7. I think I found the guy who posted about the gomers having a tougher game with Arkansas?
  8. I USED to live there. Now you can find me (hopefully sober) on the west end of Galveston Island.
  9. Being in a shitty city like Seattle I can understand why he retired. Bad weather, crime, high cost of living, the list goes on.
  10. Say Pa, what time them there Texas fans showing to rent our Air B and B again?
  11. Going to Arkansas? Meet the locals.
  12. Have fun getting some food in hillbilly land
  13. Any of you looking for accommodations, here is there idea of a five star hotel.
  14. Just the name "stoops" is enough for me to hate him regardless.
  15. Any of you fuckers heading up there remember do NOT get lost.
  16. Really glad to see the gomers did not remove "Rental Car Mangement " from the list. The gomers still have a career path after they graduate from that diploma mill.
  17. FIGHT! From the west end of Galveston Island.
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