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Everything posted by Leanderman

  1. Hmmmm can't wait to see what $EC Rant has to say about the gomers?
  2. aggies won't lose they will just run out of innings.
  3. I sure wish SpiderAg was still around to give us a play by play of this game?
  4. Gonna be some heartbroken livestock molesters tonight. Too bad the stockyards in Omaha closed so many years ago.
  5. Lets hope the gomers have two outs, bases loaded and the batter looks at called third strike to end the game.
  6. Sorry to hear this about a player but still.......ou sucks
  7. The only thing better to make this game complete would be to have gomer yell leaders grabbing their nuts on national tv atop the dug out as they lead cheers.
  8. "Honest question. Who would have to coach here for you to get a hat with their name on it?" Hmmmmm how about "Freshwater" on a hat?
  9. It just settle for walk off homers versus gomers and land thieves.
  10. "When did aggy move their campus to Norman?" Both cow pastures kinda look the same actually.
  11. Really surprised they have not tried to trademark dead dogs yet?
  12. "These open records requests are going to be trouble for aggy. " Lets start with the COVID funds?
  13. Officer of the Day? How much more fake army can you get?
  14. Time for pizza and more Irish Whiskey.
  15. Just throw strikes and leave it at that
  16. Save the bullpen for tomorrow
  17. Three shots of good Irish Whisky to celebrate already
  18. !!-3 sounds like even the bullpen cannot blow this game
  19. Been lurking all day at my hospital in Galveston. Really proud of my horns.
  20. I cannot wait to kick the shit out of those nut grabbers. I hope the dead dogs roll over in their graves when they see the final score.
  21. 12 men make a Dirty Dozen. Typical gomers in other words. You younger folks may want to watch that movie, an all time classic. Also considered by many to be the most violent western of all time.
  22. gomers will transfer their monies into stock for sure, however it will be livestock without a doubt.
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