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Everything posted by Leanderman

  1. "hey seriously think they are going to win this game 52-0" I got your 52-0 right here gomer. Quote
  2. From the west end of Galveston Island...............................FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. "Lyle Lovett turn them down? " Bring that mutt on camera. If she barks, we can shut the whole thing down?
  4. But........aggies, to not lie, cheat or steal........right, ............right...........right?
  5. Trainers and Uncles have to eat too. Time for some schools to pony up and support some players or see them poached by promises by others. The choice is up to the schools. What a sad time this has become. Loyalty to the dollar versus the school.
  6. "Anyone know any aggy jokes. well, except for them." There are no aggie jokes, they are all true stories.
  7. :You mean it’s not typically a good idea to take a guy that was 6’3 230 for all four years of high school, and that only played defense in high school, and try to make him an offensive lineman??!!" It depends. Was he in a wheelchair when offered or not?
  8. Once they gargle a few more balls in the dixie chicken restroom, all will be fine with the fans.
  9. Did BK promise him a video of the two of them on that rotating stage or something?
  10. "Things more interesting than UK Football:" aggy fish camp
  11. Tex, may your first-born daughter win first place in a Mr. T lookalike contest.
  12. "I think it’s more they hate guys from Boston. "
  13. "I wouldn’t mind seeing Florida turn their season around and also get Ffrench. We don’t compete with them for recruits so them being good doesn’t hurt us, but it would hurt Georgia/Bama/Tennessee. Enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. "
  14. We need to push the wildcat's poo in so far it comes out their ears.
  15. Music? Let's make the gomers really feel at home with this guy?
  16. I think I found the guy who posted about the gomers having a tougher game with Arkansas?
  17. I USED to live there. Now you can find me (hopefully sober) on the west end of Galveston Island.
  18. Being in a shitty city like Seattle I can understand why he retired. Bad weather, crime, high cost of living, the list goes on.
  19. Say Pa, what time them there Texas fans showing to rent our Air B and B again?
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