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Everything posted by Leanderman

  1. Not nerdy enough?
  2. "What is OU DNA? Is it like defective or something?"
  3. I have never ever seen so many defensive line shifts this year either right before the ball is snapped.
  4. Say what you will about yesterday's win. But that was the fourth road win in a row against ranked teams. Hook "em baby.
  5. "Of course it could have been the fact they usually ask at least 5-6 guys and aren't really up for a train after a long day." Unlike your mom.
  6. Texas A and M Police once again turn a blind eye to livestock being molested in and around pyle field.
  7. Those refs sure had their flags in their pockets with vandy. Hey ref ever hear of hands to the face?
  8. Meanwhile in Berlin, I mean collie station last https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GayX0cUXMAAZ7vI?format=jpg&name=large
  9. When does Gaylor and Pedo State meet in football?
  10. Lets break an anchor off in their butts.
  11. Gomers getting ready for the big game tomorrow.
  12. Fron the west end of Galveston....................TEXAS FIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Every Longhorn hater this side of Bagdad is out for us this week. Therefore let us sink those sailor wannabe's.
  14. Perhaps with those qualifications he should seek of the a and m oc job?
  15. This is one weekend where I love the cocks. Beat the land thieves into next week.
  16. The real question being,.....................would they drink the Kool Aid out of printed cups?
  17. Wonder how many of the yellow hammers have to get permission from their probation officers to make the trip?
  18. How can anyone love this?
  19. Expect to see this in the stands when them Yellow Hammers show up.
  20. What time is too early for day drinking? It is 7:10 am on my island? Too early for a shot in my coffee?
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