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  1. C’mon offense. Quit fucking around.
  2. Costanza opposite. We could have a worse plan.
  3. Short video of neighbors in Altadena spraying down house roof fighting to save home next door a house on fire. LA and Riverside FD drive by, see the neighbors’ efforts, and take over. Also, the reporter is blast from the Austin past Michelle Valles. IMG_8856.mov
  4. Watching the news about 20 minutes ago, showed a lady spraying her house down in Altadena to try to avoid the house on fire next door spreading to her house. She got the hell out when the 50 foot pine tree in her back yard totally blew up in flames.
  5. Great to hear @Sbbruin. Stay safe! It’s heartbreaking to see those houses going up in flames right off of New York drive. Some of the embers “flying around” shown on the news look like the size of chunks of charcoal.
  6. Oh yeah. Saw it live on the local news from my home down in Irvine. It suddenly blew up while all the focus had been on Pacific Palisades. Could see live the fire just run down the canyon like a river. Feel for my co-workers in Altadena, La Cañada Flintridge, Sierra Madre, and Monrovia that thankfully got the hell out of there. Hopefully not too late, winds forecasted to be significantly backing down by late morning tomorrow. Fingers crossed, and ironically, no fires in Irvine west of the Santa Ana mountains. Wind’s howling though. The Airport fire back in September thankfully pretty much stayed up in the mountains near Rancho Santa Margarita. Looked like Morder mount doom during the nights as it burned.
  7. I know, I know. But I mean, what the fuck? Did the line think it was supposed to be a screen play?
  8. No. No, that won’t work. Has to be something different now. Let me come up with something more innovative. It’s not an Arch package, but just wait for it. - Sark
  9. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. That’s crazy! Anyone that thinks that Bama could possibly lose to Indiana is an idiot. Right?
  11. So, Alabama could lose to Indiana?
  12. Yep. Also known as Rosie.
  13. Well, he does play for Notre Dame. I know it’s in Latin, but the school is named after Jesus’ mom.
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