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Everything posted by 89Horn

  1. Shiner Bock was our go to cheap keg beer at UT in mid to late '80s. No sweet tea for this native Texan.
  2. Texas is not the south, the west, or hell, even the southwest. Texas is . . . TEXAS.
  3. Yes, pretty close. Aggy is outside tending to the farm. Texas consists of doctors and lawyers and such comfortably inside sitting and sipping tea. And, that’s fair. Hot as shit outside in Texas.
  4. Next, he’s going to say that the irate 8 are going to get punitive, pain and suffering damages, and medical expenses covered because someone stubbed his toe when hearing that TX/OU were leaving the Big XII. My god it’s like playing cards with my brother’s kids.
  5. They all turn in unison and yell: IT’S TEXAS’ FAULT!!!!! And, I love it.
  6. While Bowlsby does his best to keep the Big XII together:
  7. ‘85-‘89 registration at the Erwin Center arena concourse. Junior year I needed a History class. The table had no line. Cool. I walked up and asked for the class, only for the girl manning the table to point to the door behind her. I walked in to find Section 33 totally filled with others waiting for a spot in the class to open up.
  8. Also, did you see the purple font used in our statement? Mountain West loves purple horseshoe.
  9. Wait, I thought aggy said UT was the school of t-shirt fans.
  10. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
  11. If Sharp knew and did not say anything, he was doing so to protect the university from the idiocy of the others in power and its alums. He exerted his best efforts, yet still the idiots showed their butt hurt asses. Again if he knew, he should be thanked for keeping it secret lest aggy coming off looking stupider than they did. And we all know that there is no floor to how stupid they can look.
  12. Let me be a bit more clear. I’d rather we not subsidize anyone . . . outside of the UT family.
  13. On the vote, SEC makes aggy give the hook ‘em hand sign for the 4 in the 14.
  14. I’d rather we subsidize no one.
  15. The shirt will be orange, but just a shade off true burnt orange. You know, just to twist the sips’ tails.
  16. Didn’t play for the last nine years. Advantage: aggy
  17. SEC schools are finally seeing full aggy. TX and OU meeting with the SEC along with a complaining aggy:
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