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Everything posted by 89Horn

  1. And when Sark steps on campus, they’ll all fall off the wagon.
  2. Why not? I say go for it. Like when Hulk Hogan went to the NWO. Could be good for Texas, at least for a while. Ya never know.
  3. Maybe we can move the Holiday Bowl trophies to offsite storage to make room?
  4. Reverse obligatory . . . maybe they beat us by 11.
  5. Yep. Losing by 28 to Bama, six shitastic wins against bad teams with losing records, win against mediocre Aub, and one upset last second win against 3-loss Florida probably were all more pivotal than Lawrence missing out on the first ND game.
  6. “We’re making all of that happen. That’s us.” - Nebraska
  7. I can’t decide which is more impressive for aggy: • Last second upset win against 3 loss FL; • 6 wins against woeful SEC, SEC, SEC teams with losing records; • Win against very mediocre Auburn; or, • Only losing to Bama by 28. All of the above sparkle like a stinky turd.
  8. Wait a minute Butthead. You grew up and got married. So, can’t happen.
  9. On same V.C.R. you’ve had for years?
  10. 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, it matters not.
  11. Evidently you’re not the only one. CBS in Austin instead showed the KC-Miami game. Maybe there was a reason they didn’t show the Texans, beyond KC-Miami being a better draw. Just didn’t care to look into it
  12. What does Mr. Henry think of the plan? Jesus, even Dignan came up with a better plan than this.
  13. The night shift should do a table read of the Wolf of Wall Street. Reading the posts in the thread after the sun sets for some reason reminds me of that movie.
  14. No they won’t. It will continue to be a carnaval of topics discussed other than whether Urban Meyer is coming to Texas.
  15. What would be better is Meyer getting hired for one day as an associate athletic director and given the job to fire Herman as soon as he is done with those appearances next week. Then Meyer gets hired as head coach when his one day assoc ath director day is over.
  16. I say we go after Coach bust, if we can’t get Urban.
  17. Yeah, maybe Mr. Cherry wasn’t up to the task. Another man followed just a few years later and went on to win 11 conference titles and 3 national championships at Texas. Expectations met. Maybe Cherry could have built on his one conference title if he had the intestinal fortitude to carry on.
  18. So, the turtles don’t turtle?
  19. DBU mother fuckers! Well, only if your allowed pass interfering.
  20. Pffftt. We lost to Rice in 1994. Our coach’s reaction was meh it’s gonna happen every now and then. They did beat Mack Brown in the Sun Bowl that year. So, there’s that, I guess.
  21. Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once-great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we’ve raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.
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